Characteristics of histamine tachyphylaxis in rat uterine smooth muscle.
Objective and design: To study both the desensitisation induced by short-term exposure to histamine and the mechanism responsible in the isolated rat uterus.¶Material: Precontracted isolated uterus (37 mM KCl) from oestrogenised Wistar rats were used.¶Treatment: Repetitive responses to histamine (10–6, 10–5, 10–4, 10–3 M), dimaprit and clonidine (10–4 M) were tested at 15, 30, 45 and 105 min., with their modifications by (5 mg/ kg, 24 h before sacrifice) reserpine, 10–7 M propranolol, 10–8 M atropine, and 10–6 M indomethacin. Dose-response curves for adrenaline were carried out as standard protocol.¶Methods: In vitro techniques (de Jalon's solution, 31°C, carbogen, isotonic registration, re…