A. Amato

All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems

Rapidly spinning neutron stars are promising sources of continuous gravitational waves. Detecting such a signal would allow probing of the physical properties of matter under extreme conditions. A significant fraction of the known pulsar population belongs to binary systems. Searching for unknown neutron stars in binary systems requires specialized algorithms to address unknown orbital frequency modulations. We present a search for continuous gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars in binary systems in early data from the third observing run of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors using the semicoherent, GPU-accelerated, binaryskyhough pipeline. The search analyzes the most s…

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Hydroxyurea induces centrosome amplification and slowing down of cell cycle in colo-cancer cells SW480

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RB acute loss affects expression of mitotic genes and is associated with centrosome amplification and aneuploidy

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Calibration of advanced Virgo and reconstruction of the gravitational wave signal h(t) during the observing run O2

In August 2017, Advanced Virgo joined Advanced LIGO for the end of the O2 run, leading to the first gravitational waves detections with the three-detector network. This paper describes the Advanced Virgo calibration and the gravitational wave strain h(t) reconstruction during O2. The methods are the same as the ones developed for the initial Virgo detector and have already been described in previous publications, this paper summarizes the differences and emphasis is put on estimating systematic uncertainties. Three versions of the h(t) signal have been computed for the Virgo O2 run, an online version and two post-run reprocessed versions with improved detector calibration and reconstruction…

research product

Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs

We report results from searches for anisotropic stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from the first three observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. For the first time, we include Virgo data in our analysis and run our search with a new efficient pipeline called {\tt PyStoch} on data folded over one sidereal day. We use gravitational-wave radiometry (broadband and narrow band) to produce sky maps of stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds and to search for gravitational waves from point sources. A spherical harmonic decomposition method is employed to look for gravitational-wave emission from spatially-extended sources. Neither technique found eviden…

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Glucagon-like Peptide-2 and mucosal changes induced by high fat diet in mouse small intestine.

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Acute loss of retinoblastoma function induces centrosome amplification and aneuploidy both in human and murine primary fibroblasts

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Acute loss of pRB function induces centrosome amplification and aneuploidy in human fibroblasts

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Acute loss of pRB function induces centrosome amplification and aneuploidy both in murine and human fibroblasts

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Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first and second observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo network

Gravitational wave astronomy has been firmly established with the detection of gravitational waves from the merger of ten stellar mass binary black holes and a neutron star binary. This paper reports on the all-sky search for gravitational waves from intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first and second observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo network. The search uses three independent algorithms: two based on matched filtering of the data with waveform templates of gravitational wave signals from compact binaries, and a third, model-independent algorithm that employs no signal model for the incoming signal. No intermediate mass black hole binary event was detected in this sear…

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Effects of Plk1 depletion on centrosome duplication and cell cycle progression in HCT116 tumor cells

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STK15 overexpression in HCT116 cells causes mitotic disorders and hypodiploidy associated with centrosome amplification.

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Rb depletion induces centrosome amplification and different exression of mitotic genes in HCT116 tumor cells

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Exploring nose-to-brain insulin delivery as a new strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

A growing body of evidence shows that Insulin, Insulin Receptor (IR) and IR signaling are involved in brain cognitive functions and their dysfunction is implicated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) degeneration. Thus, administration of insulin could be a strategy for AD treatment. For this aim we designed, synthesized and characterized a nanogel system (NG) to deliver insulin to the brain, as a tool for the development of a new therapy for AD. A carboxyl-functionalized poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) nanogel system produced by high energy ionizing radiation was chosen as substrate for the covalent attachment of insulin or fluorescent molecules, relevant for its tracing

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Gravitational-wave Constraints on the Equatorial Ellipticity of Millisecond Pulsars

We present a search for continuous gravitational waves from five radio pulsars, comprising three recycled pulsars (PSR J0437-4715, PSR J0711-6830, and PSR J0737-3039A) and two young pulsars: the Crab pulsar (J0534+2200) and the Vela pulsar (J0835-4510). We use data from the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo combined with data from their first and second observing runs. For the first time, we are able to match (for PSR J0437-4715) or surpass (for PSR J0711-6830) the indirect limits on gravitational-wave emission from recycled pulsars inferred from their observed spin-downs, and constrain their equatorial ellipticities to be less than 10-8. For each of the five pulsars, we perfor…

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Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO-Virgo Run O3a

Abbott, R., et al. (LIGO and VIRGO Collaboration)

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Abstracts of scientific papers second international symposium on central nervous system monitoring

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Carbohydrates consumption pre exercise attenuate bone resorption marker in young female gymnasts

Purpose: Bone mineral density (BMD) is modified by environmental factors like diet, nutritional status and exercise. Athletes have higher bone turnover than sedentary individuals but prolonged exercise might result in a negative remodeling balance and compromise skeletal health. Strenuous exercise and fasting may induce osteoclastic activity that is not necessarily accompanied by a compensatory increase in osteoblastic activity. The purpose of this study was to understand if there is specific nutrition to allow best performance and reduce bone resorption that occurs after exercise in athletes. Methods: A group of 28 gymnasts aged between 9 and 14 years old (13 ± 1.71) playing artistic gymna…

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Silencing of serine threonine kinase Aurora-2 gene cause G2/M arrest and apotosis in human carcinoma lung large cells

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Search for Gravitational-wave Signals Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts during the Second Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo

We present the results of targeted searches for gravitational-wave transients associated with gamma-ray bursts during the second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo, which took place from 2016 November to 2017 August. We have analyzed 98 gamma-ray bursts using an unmodeled search method that searches for generic transient gravitational waves and 42 with a modeled search method that targets compact-binary mergers as progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts. Both methods clearly detect the previously reported binary merger signal GW170817, with p-values of <9.38 10-6 (modeled) and 3.1 10-4 (unmodeled). We do not find any significant evidence for gravitational-wave signals associate…

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A Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor Search for Electromagnetic Signals Coincident with Gravitational-wave Candidates in Advanced LIGO's First Observing Run

We present a search for prompt gamma-ray counterparts to compact binary coalescence gravitational wave (GW) candidates from Advanced LIGO's first observing run (O1). As demonstrated by the multimessenger observations of GW170817/GRB 170817A, electromagnetic and GW observations provide complementary information about the astrophysical source and, in the case of weaker candidates, may strengthen the case for an astrophysical origin. Here we investigate low-significance GW candidates from the O1 compact-binary coalescence searches using the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), leveraging its all-sky and broad energy coverage. Candidates are ranked and compared to background to measure signific…

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Protective effects of Aphanizomenon Flose-Aquae (AFA) extract on experimental colitis in rat

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic immune disorders, which necessitate long-term dependence on powerful drugs. Recently, the use of natural product-based therapies has emerged as a promising intervention for IBD. Aphanizomenon flose-aquae (AFA) is a unicellular bluegreen microalgae, traditionally used for its health-enhancing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; we aimed to evaluate its protective effects on animal model of experimental colitis. Colitis was induced in rat by intracolonic instillation of 15 mg of 2,4-dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS). Rats received AFA (100 mg/kg/d) by oral route, 4 days before and 6 days after colitis induction. The effects of AFA on D…

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Aurora-A/STK15 transcriptional silencing and Vincristine treatment show a synergistic effect in human tumour cells

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Search for GW signals associated with GRBs

We present the results of targeted searches for gravitational-wave transients associated with gamma-ray bursts during the second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo, which took place from 2016 November to 2017 August. We have analyzed 98 gamma-ray bursts using an unmodeled search method that searches for generic transient gravitational waves and 42 with a modeled search method that targets compact-binary mergers as progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts. Both methods clearly detect the previously reported binary merger signal GW170817, with p-values of <9.38x10^-6^ (modeled) and 3.1x10^-4^ (unmodeled). We do not find any significant evidence for gravitational-wave signals assoc…

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