Andreas Oberstedt
New information on β-delayed neutron emission from Be-12, Be-14
17 pages, 3 tables, 5 figures, 1 appendix.-- PACS nrs.: 23.40.Hc; 27.20.+n.
Light exotic isotopes: recent beam developments and physics applications at ISOLDE
This paper is divided in three parts: (i) the measurement of yields and decay losses of Li and Be isotopes released from a thin foil tantalum target at the CERN/ISOLDE PS-Booster; (ii) results from beta-decay experiments on Be-12 and Be-14, an improved half-life of 21.49(3) ms has been obtained for Be-12; (iii) the beta-decay of C-9. An outline of the analysis procedure to determine the branching at high excitation energies is given. The ground-state branch has been determined to 54.1(15)%.