Laura Gueci


DFT insights into the oxygen-assisted selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol on manganese dioxide catalysts

Abstract The reactivity pattern of the MnO2 catalyst in the selective aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol is assessed by density functional theory (DFT) analysis of adsorption energies and activation barriers on a model Mn4O8 cluster. DFT calculations predict high reactivity of defective Mn(IV) sites ruling a surface redox mechanism, L-H type, involving gas-phase oxygen. Bare and promoted (i.e., CeOx and FeOx) MnOx materials with high surface exposure of Mn(IV) sites were synthesized to assess kinetic and mechanistic issues of the selective aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol on real catalysts (T, 333–363 K). According to DFT predictions, the experimental study shows: i) comparable activity…

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Benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde oxidation on MnOx clusters: Unraveling atomistic features

Abstract The catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol with O 2 is a promising option for the production of benzaldehyde, from both environmental and economical viewpoints. In particular, highly dispersed MnO x systems feature good activity and selectivity in a wide range of temperatures, although deactivation phenomena by over-oxidation and/or poisoning of active sites are generally recorded. On this account, a density functional theory study was performed on cluster-sized catalyst models, namely Mn 4 O 8 and over-oxygenated Mn 4 O 9 fragments, to predict the reactivity pattern of MnO x catalysts in the selective aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol. Several pathways concur to determine the who…

research product

DFT insights into competing mechanisms of guaiacol hydrodeoxygenation on a platinum cluster

In a scenario of declining fossil resources and increasing demand for renewable and sustainable alternatives, biomass is the only source able to offer an easy and gradual transition in the use of current energy technologies based on the exploitation of carbon derivatives. Its conversion to liquid fuels has oriented our study towards the computational mechanistic analysis of the guaiacol catalytic hydrodeoxygenation, which is currently considered one of the most challenging routes for upgrading biomass-derived bio-oils. For this purpose, a subnanometric Pt10 platinum cluster was chosen as the catalyst model, with Pt as a computational reference element for catalytic hydrogenation, and guaiac…

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Structural, energetic and kinetic database of catalytic reactions: Benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde oxidation on MnOx clusters

Abstract Data here reported are connected with the research article “Benzyl Alcohol to Benzaldehyde Oxidation on MnO x Clusters: Unraveling Atomistic Features” Gueci et al. [1] . This work described and discussed structural and energetic results, calculated by Density Functional Theory (DFT). In order to get kinetic information, DFT results were refined by an original approach, which will be shortly described in the following article. The crossed analysis of experimental and computational energetic and kinetic data allowed to (i) reconstruct the complicated lattice that connects the primary and secondary mechanisms of the reaction and (ii) identify alternative process pathways capable of by…

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