Hiroshi Fukuda
Definition of an appropriate free dynamics and the physical S-matrix in multichannel hyperradial adiabatic scattering
In the hyperradial adiabatic (HA) treatment of the three-body problem the total wave function is i expanded as ΨHA(R, ξ, η) = R−5/2 ∑iχi(R)φi(R|ξ, η),where R denotes the hyperradius and (ξ , η) are internal hyperangles. Integration over ξ and η converts the Schrödinger equation into a system of coupled hyperradial equations. It is a well-known fact that, within the HA approach, the non-adiabatic corrections that couple channels converging to the same asymptotic configuration can show an unphysical long-range behavior ∼ 1/R. Though the latter is of purely kinematic origin and arises from the use of the hyperradius instead of the pertinent Jacobi variables, it is nevertheless the source of the…
Spheroidal and hyperspheroidal coordinates in the adiabatic representation of scattering states for the Coulomb three-body problem
Recently, an involved approach has been used by Abramov (2008 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 175201) to introduce a separable adiabatic basis into the hyperradial adiabatic (HA) approximation. The aim was to combine the separability of the Born–Oppenheimer (BO) adiabatic basis and the better asymptotic properties of the HA approach. Generalizing these results we present here three more different separable bases of the same type by making use of a previously introduced adiabatic Hamiltonian expressed in hyperspheroidal coordinates (Matveenko 1983 Phys. Lett. B 129 11). In addition, we propose a robust procedure which accounts in a stepwise procedure for the unphysical couplings that are …
Rotational Three-Body Resonances: A New Adiabatic Approach
In the standard adiabatic approach the motion of the fast, light particle (electron) is treated so as to produce an effective potential that governs the motion of the heavy particles (nuclei). The rotational degrees of freedom are then taken into account by adding the centrifugal J(J + 1)-term to the channel potentials and introducing rotational (Coriolis) couplings into conventional close-coupling calculations. Of course, a perturbative treatment of the rotational motion is justified only provided the rotational energy is sufficiently small. If, however, the rotation is as energetic as the motion of the fast particle, both motions should be treated on the same footing in order to produce s…
Gaussian quadrature rule for arbitrary weight function and interval
Abstract A program for calculating abscissas and weights of Gaussian quadrature rules for arbitrary weight functions and intervals is reported. The program is written in Mathematica. The only requirement is that the moments of the weight function can be evaluated analytically in Mathematica. The result is a FORTRAN subroutine ready to be utilized for quadrature. Program summary Title of program: AWGQ Catalogue identifier:ADVB Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADVB Program obtained from: CPC Program Library, Queens University, Belfast, N. Ireland Computer for which the program is designed and others on which it has been tested: Computers: Pentium IV 1.7 GHz processor Ins…