Nikole Krasņevska
Genetic Diversity of Mute Swan Population of the Riga Urban Area
Abstract Mute swan Cygnus olor is the most abundant breeding swan species in Rīga and Latvia. Since manmade habitats are the preferred breeding habitats of this species - Cygnus olor is of particular interest in studies of urban biodiversity. The latest records show that 30-40 pairs breed annually in Rīga, 400-700 individuals migrate through the area, and 120-150 individuals stay over winter. The goal of our study was to determine the genetic variation of the mute swan population in Rīga. Blood samples were collected from 47 individual birds found in different sites in Rīga or elsewhere in Latvia. The universal retrotransposon based iPBS markers were used to estimate diversity. Three primer…
The goal of this study was to detect endopolyploidy of Ligularia sibirica from populations existed in different ecological conditions. This is important step to elaborate the appropriate protection measures of rare and endangered species, which should be based on understanding of ongoing processes in populations. From this point of view the knowledge of genetic diversity, including endopolyploidy level between and within populations, is crucial. L. sibirica is endangered and protected plant species in Latvia which is included in the protected plants list of EU Habitat directive 92/43/EEK Annexes 2 and 4. Perennial herbaceous plant L. sibirica is one of two species of genus Ligularia in Euro…
Migrējošo ausaino pūču Asio otus morfometrija un ģenētiskā daudzveidība
Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai Eiropas ziemeļos ligzdojošās ausainās pūces veido vienu vai vairākas populācijas. Darbā analizēti dati no LU Bioloģijas institūta Papes Ornitoloģiskajā stacijā noķerto ausaino pūču morfometriskajiem rādītājiem no 1988. līdz 2012. gadam. Ģenētiskajām analīzēm 2011. gada rudens migrācijas laikā tika ievākti 43 asins paraugi. Morfometriskie rādītāji uzrāda, ka ausainās pūces ķermeņa masa būtiski atšķiras starp trim migrācijas posmiem visām dzimuma-vecuma grupām izņemot vecos tēviņus, bet spārna garums uzrāda būtiskas atšķirības starp migrācijas posmiem tikai mātītēm. Darbā ir izmantota uz retrotranspozoniem balstīta marķieru sistēma. Rezultāti uzrāda zemu ģenēti…