Jörg Schmiedmayer
A simple quantum gate with atom chips
We present a simple scheme for implementing an atomic phase gate using two degrees of freedom for each atom and discuss its realization with cold rubidium atoms on atom chips. We investigate the performance of this collisional phase gate and show that gate operations with high fidelity can be realized in magnetic traps that are currently available on atom chips.
Simulating a quantum commensurate-incommensurate phase transition using two Raman-coupled one-dimensional condensates
We study a transition between a homogeneous and an inhomogeneous phase in a system of one-dimensional, Raman tunnel-coupled Bose gases. The homogeneous phase shows a flat density and phase profile, whereas the inhomogeneous ground state is characterized by periodic density ripples, and a soliton staircase in the phase difference. We show that under experimentally viable conditions the transition can be tuned by the wavevector difference $Q$ of the Raman beams and can be described by the Pokrovsky-Talapov model for the relative phase between the two condensates. Local imaging available in atom chip experiments allows to observe the soliton lattice directly, while modulation spectroscopy can …
Theoretical analysis of a realistic atom-chip quantum gate
9 pages, 5 color figures; International audience; We present a detailed, realistic analysis of the implementation of a proposal for a quantum phase gate based on atomic vibrational states, specializing it to neutral rubidium atoms on atom chips. We show how to create a double-well potential with static currents on the atom chips, using for all relevant parameters values that are achieved with present technology. The potential barrier between the two wells can be modified by varying the currents in order to realize a quantum phase gate for qubit states encoded in the atomic external degree of freedom. The gate performance is analyzed through numerical simulations; the operation time is ~10 m…
Mixed internal-external state approach for quantum computation with neutral atoms on atom chips
We present a realistic proposal for the storage and processing of quantum information with cold Rb atoms on atom chips. The qubit states are stored in hyperfine atomic levels with long coherence time, and two-qubit quantum phase gates are realized using the motional states of the atoms. Two-photon Raman transitions are used to transfer the qubit information from the internal to the external degree of freedom. The quantum phase gate is realized in a double-well potential created by slowly varying dc currents in the atom chip wires. Using realistic values for all experimental parameters (currents, magnetic fields, ...) we obtain high gate fidelities (above 99.9%) in short operation times (~ 1…