Elena Lázaro
Bayesian survival analysis with BUGS
Survival analysis is one of the most important fields of statistics in medicine and biological sciences. In addition, the computational advances in the last decades have favored the use of Bayesian methods in this context, providing a flexible and powerful alternative to the traditional frequentist approach. The objective of this article is to summarize some of the most popular Bayesian survival models, such as accelerated failure time, proportional hazards, mixture cure, competing risks, multi-state, frailty, and joint models of longitudinal and survival data. Moreover, an implementation of each presented model is provided using a BUGS syntax that can be run with JAGS from the R programmin…
S. Typhimurium virulence changes caused by exposure to different non-thermal preservation treatments using C. elegans
The aims of this research study were: (i) to postulate Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) as a useful organism to describe infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium), and (ii) to evaluate changes in virulence of S. Typhimurium when subjected repetitively to different antimicrobial treatments. Specifically, cauliflower by-product infusion, High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP), and Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF). This study was carried out by feeding C. elegans with different microbial populations: E. coli OP50 (optimal conditions), untreated S. Typhimurium, S. Typhimurium treated once and three times with cauliflower by-product infusion, S. Typhimurium treated once and f…
Tracking the outbreak. An optimized delimiting survey strategy for Xylella fastidiosa
SummaryCurrent legislation enforces the implementation of intensive surveillance programs for quarantine plant pathogens. After an outbreak, surveys are implemented to delimit the geographic extent of the pathogen and execute disease control. The feasibility of control programs is highly dependent on budget availability, thus it is necessary to target and optimize surveillance strategies.A sequential adaptive delimiting survey involving a three-phase and a two-phase design with increasing spatial resolution was developed and implemented for the Xylella fastidiosa outbreak in Alicante, Spain. Inspection and sampling intensities were optimized using simulation-based methods and results were v…
Bayesian regularization for flexible baseline hazard functions in Cox survival models.
Fully Bayesian methods for Cox models specify a model for the baseline hazard function. Parametric approaches generally provide monotone estimations. Semi-parametric choices allow for more flexible patterns but they can suffer from overfitting and instability. Regularization methods through prior distributions with correlated structures usually give reasonable answers to these types of situations. We discuss Bayesian regularization for Cox survival models defined via flexible baseline hazards specified by a mixture of piecewise constant functions and by a cubic B-spline function. For those "semi-parametric" proposals, different prior scenarios ranging from prior independence to particular c…
Bayesian Survival Analysis to Model Plant Resistance and Tolerance to Virus Diseases
Viruses constitute a major threat to large-scale production of crops worldwide producing important economical losses and undermining sustainability. We evaluated a new plant variety for resistance and tolerance to a specific virus through a comparison with other well-known varieties. The study is based on two independent Bayesian accelerated failure time models which assess resistance and tolerance survival times. Information concerning plant genotype and virus biotype were considered as baseline covariates and error terms were assumed to follow a modified standard Gumbel distribution. Frequentist approach to these models was also considered in order to compare the results of the study from…