Lothar R. Schad
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of airways in humans with use of hyperpolarized3He
The nuclear spin polarization of noble gases can be enhanced strongly by laser optical pumping followed by electron-nuclear polarization transfer. Direct optical pumping of metastable 3He atoms has been shown to produce enormous polarization on the order of 0.4-0.6. This is about 105 times larger than the polarization of water protons at thermal equilibrium used in conventional MRI. We demonstrate that hyperpolarized 3 He gas can be applied to nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of organs with air-filled spaces in humans. In vivo 3 He MR experiments were performed in a whole-body MR scanner with a superconducting magnet ramped down to 0.8 T. Anatomical details of the upper respiratory tract …
3D TOF MR Angiography of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations after Radiosurgery
To investigate the potential of three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography (MRA) to complement SE imaging, 18 patients with intracerebral arteriovenous malformations were prospectively followed after undergoing radiosurgery. Vessel occlusion after stereotaxic single high dose radiotherapy develops slowly. The MRA detected signs of nidus obliteration earlier and with a higher sensitivity than did SE imaging. Six months after radiosurgery, MRA showed a reduction of the nidus flow signals in nine patients and after 1 year it showed reduction in 15 of the 18 patients. As shown by MRA, the loss of flow signals was related to a reduction of the nidus size in 4 patients after 6 months and in …
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with hyperpolarised helium-3
Abstract Summary Background Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) relies on magnetisation of hydrogen nuclei (protons) of water molecules in tissue as source of the signal. This technique has been valuable for studying tissues that contain significant amounts of water, but biological settings with low proton content, notably the lungs, are difficult to image. We report use of spin-polarised helium-3 for lung MRI. Methods A volunteer inhaled hyperpolarised 3 He to fill the lungs, which were imaged with a conventional MRI detector assembly. The nuclear spin polarisation of helium, and other noble gases, can be greatly enhanced by laser optical pumping and is about 10 5 times larger than the polari…
Magnetically labeled water perfusion imaging of the uterine arteries and of normal and malignant cervical tissue: initial experiences.
Purpose: The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate a magnetically labeled water perfusion imaging technique as a non-contrast-enhanced approach to demonstrate the uterine artery, its branches, and to assess the cervical uterine blood flow in healthy volunteers and in patients with advanced uterine cervical carcinoma (FIGO IIB-IVA). Methods and Materials: Seven healthy volunteers (mean age, 29 years) and twenty-two patients (mean age, 52 years) with advanced cancer of the uterine cervix (FIGO IIB-IVA) were prospectively examined by magnetically labeled water perfusion imaging at different inversion delay times (300–900 ms). The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of all patients were…
Darstellung des Blutflusses in den Gebärmutterarterien und im normalen sowie malignen Gebärmuttergewebe mittels einer 2D-Multiphasen-Tagging-Technik
PURPOSE The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate a 2D-STAR technique as a non contrast-enhanced approach to demonstrate the uterine artery and its branches and to assess the cervical uterine blood flow in healthy volunteers and in patients with advanced uterine cervical carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS Seven healthy volunteers (mean age, 29 years) and twenty-two patients (mean age, 52 years) with advanced cancer of the uterine cervix (FIGO IIB-IVA) were prospectively examined by 2D-STAR imaging at different inversion delay times (300 ms-1900 ms) which showed the passage of a blood bolus through normal and malignant tissue of the uterine cervix. RESULTS The uterine artery was well visuali…