Angela Gómez López
Effects of summarization tasks on comprehension monitoring of science texts in university students with elementary or intermediate English proficiency
Two studies were conducted to improve Spanish university students" comprehension monitoring of macro-ideas when reading expository Science texts in English (L2). The first one evaluated the effects of using summarization tasks on comprehension monitoring compared to other reading-for-understanding tasks. A significant improvement of comprehension monitoring was obtained from the summarization tasks. Results in study 1 suggested study 2 aimed at instructing students on summarizing texts in L2. The instructional work had a single significant contribution to students" comprehension monitoring on the macro-structural level. English proficiency also explained a significant proportion of the vari…
Los hábitos lectores en inglés de futuros maestros: Implicaciones didácticas
Se presenta un estudio exploratorio y descriptivo sobre los hábitos lectores en inglés de estudiantes universitarios españoles para detectar cuáles son las áreas de atención prioritaria para poder seguir un Grado en inglés según el EEES. Se midió el nivel de inglés mediante el Oxford Online Placement Test. Se evaluaron los hábitos lectores y el tipo de materiales académicos que los estudiantes leen en inglés mediante un cuestionario. Gran parte de la muestra se encontraba en los niveles elementales e intermedios de dominio del inglés. Un porcentaje muy elevado de estudiantes declaró no tener el hábito de leer en inglés y leer solo materiales académicos obligatorios. Sin embargo, existe una …
Postgraduates' science comprehension monitoring in EFL
INTRODUCTION. Nowadays, accessing the European labour market opportunities implies having a high command of English. For this reason, most Spanish universities offer their Bachelor Degrees/Undergraduate Degrees in English. Learning at university, especially in distance learning, strongly depends on the student's own comprehension monitoring when reading instructional materials, usually expository texts. The present work compares comprehension monitoring (CM) in Spanish and in English of Spanish university students with a high level of English proficiency. A replication study is developed to increase the validity of the interesting results obtained on English-Spanish differences in CM at mic…