M Massimi
Finite Mixture Model-based classification of a complex vegetation system
Aim: To propose a Finite Mixture Model (FMM) as an additional approach for classifying large datasets of georeferenced vegetation plots from complex vegetation systems. Study area: The Italian peninsula including the two main islands (Sicily and Sardinia), but excluding the Alps and the Po plain. Methods: We used a database of 5,593 georeferenced plots and 1,586 vascular species of forest vegetation, created in TURBOVEG by storing published and unpublished phytosociological plots collected over the last 30 years. The plots were classified according to species composition and environmental variables using a FMM. Classification results were compared with those obtained by TWINSPAN algorithm. …
Can Predictive Vegetation Modeling be a useful tool to support Vegetation Classification?
Classifying plant communities and mapping their potential distribution using very large, heterogeneous, georeferenced datasets: the case study of the forest vegetation in the Italian peninsula.
In recent years, the scientific community has made significant efforts in order to create georeferenced vegetation databases (Global Index of Vegetation Plot Databases). These databases are useful to carry out assessments of the state of bio diversity, conservation of species and habitats, dispersion of alien species and as a support for the planning of land and protected areas. In this context, Italy has given birth to its own project called VegItaly, coordinated by the Italian Society of Vegetation Science and conducted by several research groups, in order to develop a uniform database for the entire country. Within this framework we have created a georeferenced database of phytosociolo…