Jan-henry Stenberg
Lääkärien suhtautuminen nettiterapiaan positiivista mutta varovaista
Nettiterapiat tarjoavat lääkärien näkökulmasta hyväksytyn tavan tarjota hoitoa. Kyselytutkimuksessa lääkärit katsoivat ne kuitenkin alkuvaiheen hoitoa täydentäväksi lisäksi eikä ainoaksi hoitovaihtoehdoksi. Nettiterapia ei saisi jäädä irralliseksi muusta hoitopolusta. nonPeerReviewed
Reducing health inequalities trough digital options in mental health: A physician's perspective.
This paper explores the physicians’ perspective regarding the potential of computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (cCBTs) to overcome inequalities in the context of mental health care provision. The main benefits were related to the ability of cCBTs to provide care in a convenient and efficient manner, enhancing its accessibility. These aspects were perceived more important than cost-effectivity of treatment, which is often claimed to be the key benefit of cCBTs. Age and general acceptance of CBT were the most significant individual-level separators of perceptions, while the sector in which the physician works was seen as the main structural-level separator. peerReviewed