Timo Marjomäki
Interaction between the endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera, the duck mussel Anodonta anatina and the fish host (Salmo) : acquired and cross-immunity
The common duck mussel Anodonta anatina can live in sympatry with—and use the same host, brown trout (Salmo trutta)—as the endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Since the glochidia release of A. anatina takes place seasonally earlier than that of M. margaritifera, brown trout can be sequentially exposed first to A. anatina and then to M. margaritifera. Cross-immunity, an immune reaction induced in fish host against glochidia after the infection with glochidia of another mussel species, is possible. Thus, it was studied experimentally if brown trout can be cross immunized against M. margaritifera by earlier infection with A. anatina. In addition, the hypothesis that…
Communal pair spawning behaviour of vendace (Coregonus albula) in the dark
Mating in nature is rarely random, and most fish species have refined mating systems. The vendace (Coregonus albula) is a short‐lived, small‐sized, cold‐water‐adapted pelagic schooling species that is known to spawn in groups, but the actual mating system of this species, like many other group‐spawning fishes, has not been described in detail. Vendace typically spawn in the littoral or sublittoral zones of lakes in late autumn, and the hatching of larvae occurs close to icebreak in the following spring. In our large study lake, vendace larvae were caught in 93% of 1,149 random sampling locations lake‐wide. We examined the courtship and mating of vendace under experimental conditions by noni…
Kalavarojen kestävä käyttö : suunnittelu ja toteutus
Kalastusluvan sopiva hinta
Migratory behaviour and holding habitats of adult river lampreys (Lampetra fluviatilis) in two Finnish rivers
The effect of environmental factors on migratory activity of adult river lampreys entering the Kalajoki and Perhonjoki, rivers in Finland, for spawning was studied using correlation and regression analyses. Telemetric tracking of 60 individuals was utilized to study the migratory patterns and holding habitat requirements of adult river lampreys. The increases in the river discharge, wind forcing towards the river mouth and speed and magnitude of river water cooling had positive effects on the numbers of lampreys entering the rivers whereas the increase in the illumination intensity of the moon had a negative effect on their migration activity. Radio-tagged lampreys typically passed slow-flo…
Tutkimus ja seuranta
Kalavarojen käyttö ja hoito pysyvät kestävällä pohjalla, kun päätökset perustetaan mahdollisimman luotettavaan ja ajantasaiseen tietoon. Tietoa tarvitaan toiminnan kaikissa vaiheissa, mutta erityisesti silloin, kun asetetaan tavoitetilaa ja osatavoitteita sekä myöhemmin, kun on aika arvioida toimenpiteiden tuloksellisuutta. Tässä luvussa esitellään alueelliseen käyttöön soveltuvia tiedonhankintamenetelmiä sekä annetaan ohjeita aineistojen keruuseen ja tulosten tulkintaan. nonPeerReviewed
Kalastuksen ohjaus
Alkuperäinen aineisto julkaisulle: Differences in parasite community composition support ecological differentiation in a freshwater gadoid fish
The data file contains original data from burbot (Lota lota), captured from two sampling depths, littoral and profundal, in Lake Konnevesi during the breeding season of the fish in 2019-2020. The other variables indicate total body length of the fish (mm), gender, and abundance of 9 metazoan parasite taxa observed in the fish. Column F indicates the mean coverage of cataracts caused by Diplostomum parasites found in the eye lenses (column E).