Ari Kuismin
Sosiomateriaalinen näkökulma vuorovaikutukseen muuttuvissa työtiloissa
Työelämään ja organisaatioihin ovat viime vuosina vaikuttaneet monet eri muutokset. Yksi voimakkaimmista muutoksista koskee sitä, missä töitä tehdään eli työnteon tiloja. Tutkimuksissa on tarkasteltu muun muassa tilojen roolia ihmisten välisen vuorovaikutuksen edistämisessä, työntekijöiden oppimisen tukemisessa sekä inklusiivisuuden ja monimuotoisuuden vahvistamisessa. Viime aikoina huomiota on kiinnitetty erityisesti siihen, miten tilat vaikuttavat ihmisten toimijuuteen eli kykyyn ja mahdollisuuksiin toimia tai vaikuttaa erilaisiin työhön liittyviin tilanteisiin. Tässä puheenvuorossa keskityn siihen, miten tilojen ja ihmistoimijuuden välistä suhdetta voidaan tutkia niin kutsutusta sosiomat…
Spacing and Organizing: Process Approaches to the Study of Organizational Space
In the past several decades, the research on space in management studies has moved from being an implicit idea to becoming an important generative force in organizational theory. Through this turn, space no longer surfaces as a stable container in which organizing occurs, rather it is a process for enacting organizing. Even with the growth of studies on organizational space, only a modicum of work exists that aims to distill and theorize the notion of space as organizing. This paper sets forth a typology of process studies on organizational space linked to two dimensions and five approaches for conceiving of space as organizing. In offering this typology, it not only provides an overview of…
Interspace for empathy : engaging with work-related uncertainty through artistic intervention in management education
How can artistic intervention facilitate empathic engagement with work-related uncertainty in postgraduate management education? To examine this, we theorize artistic intervention as creating an interspace of temporarily suspended organizational norms through which empathy as relational knowing can emerge between participants. Drawing on an ethnographic study entitled Becoming in Academia, a nine-month artistic intervention conducted by a group of doctoral students in a Nordic business school (NBS), this paper highlights how an interspace for empathic engagement with work-related uncertainty was created by the participants through three intervention activities: aligning oneself to the other…
Process studies of organizational space
The past decade has experienced an increase in the number of studies on organizational space or where work occurs. A number of these studies challenge traditional views of organizational space as a fixed, physical workspace because researchers fail to account for the spatial dynamics that they observe. New technologies, shifting employee-employer relations, and burgeoning expectations of the contemporary workforce blur boundaries between home and work, connect people and things that historically could not be linked, and extend workspaces to nearly everywhere, not just office buildings. Research on these transformations calls for incorporating movement into the physicality of work. Thus, org…
A sense of spacing: Toward a diffractive reading of organizational space
This article explores how a diffractive methodology can enrich research on organizational space and the senses. Through the creation of interferences, a diffractive methodology directs attention to how differences in sensing are created in the ongoing production of space and what the effects of these are. By using examples from an ethnographic study of the Hub, a university-based entrepreneurship space designed to invoke positive “buzz”, the article illustrates how a diffractive methodology allows for the exploration of the sensory design of space and how it governs the possibilities of sensing among participants. The article contributes to organizational research by demonstrating how a di…