Kaisa-mari Jama

A collective case study of athletic identity and successful injury rehabilitation

A severe injury is an identity threatening situation for competitive athletes. Previous literature suggests that having a strong athletic identity can be beneficial for the athlete when injured. To the date there has been little research on how athletic identity is managed during that challenging time of injury. The purpose of this study was to explore how athletic identity is managed during the injury and rehabilitation phase before returning to competitive sport. Knowing the determinants of athletic identity management allows practitioners to adjust their interventions toward specific issues when working with injured athletes. The present study is a qualitative, collective case study. Her…

research product

Liikunta-alan tutkintokoulutuksen merkitykset valmistuneiden elämänkertomuksissa : fenomenografinen analyysi

Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla, millaisia laadullisesti erilaisia merkityksiä liikunta-alan tutkinnon suorittaneet antoivat alan tutkintokoulutukselle urateemaisissa elämänkertomuksissaan. Kertomusten avulla oli mahdollista tavoittaa koulutukselle annetut merkitykset suhteessa uran muotoutumisen monitahoisuuteen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 60 liikuntaneuvoja-, liikunnanohjaaja- (AMK tai YAMK) tai liikuntatieteiden maisteri -tutkinnon vuosina 2004–2015 suorittanutta henkilöä, jotka vastasivat avoimeen kirjoituskutsuun. Kutsussa osallistujia pyydettiin kirjoittamaan tutkimusta varten oma urateemainen elämäntarinansa. Kertomusaineisto analysoitiin fenomenografisesti etsimällä tekste…

research product

To stay or to leave? Career story models of Finnish sports graduates

Previous research has revealed the challenges of sports graduates. Of particular concern is the question of how sports graduates navigate these difficulties in the job market. This study sought to understand the modern careers of sports graduates by describing different career story models among sports degree graduates. Life story data collection was employed to capture the various influences affecting career paths. The data consisted of 59 career life stories collected from Finnish sports degree graduates who were recruited through an open writing invitation. Data were analysed with the narrative method. Five typical career story models were identified among Finnish sports degree graduates…

research product