Marcella Giacomarra
Internal vs. external R&D teams: Evidences from the Italian wine industry
R&D teams' internationalization attracts interests from different research-streams. However, the decision on what type of R&D structure is more convenient to invest in may differ, based on several factors, such as risk-taking propensity and internal resource availability. With an aim to enrich the extant literature and to provide practical insights for managers working in the wine industry, this case study explores the determinants of an Italian family-owned winery that attempts to keep a balance between its internal and external R&D teams' decision, using an integrated theoretical framework based on the transaction costs and the resource-based view theory. The optimal R&D s…
A fact-finding investigation on Sicilian wine firms attitude towards third party voluntary certifications: motivations and alternative impact assessment approaches
In the last few decades an increasing emphasis of public and private organization on quality and safety control, on traceability of food products and on environmental issues, has been registered. Mandatory public standards and private voluntary today drive this process in order to assure food safety and traceability standards. The aim of this work is to analyze the main reasons that drives some Sicilian wineries in the adoption of quality voluntary standards, and comparing their economic attitudes and performance with those firms not certified. Results show a very similar performance patterns among the two groups of firms, highlighting a series of differences that are not directly attributa…
Measuring sustainable economic development through a multidimensional Gini index
This paper analyses the evolution of sustainable economic development inequality in Italy as regards the efforts made by each administrative Region, as a response to the main EU policies issued by the environmental and energy sector. For this purpose a multidimensional generalization of the Gini index has been performed, taking into account two different dimensions (energy and environment), in a time frame of six years (2008-2013). The multidimensional Gini results confirm the positive effect recorded by certain EU policies in determining a reduction in the inequality levels among the Italian Regions. A counterfactual analysis further underlined the relevant role played by the energetic dim…
The assessment of EU photovoltaic trend by using PCA and DEA techniques
Aim of this work is, firstly, to produce a synthetic indicator able to identify the main factors that allowed the Photovoltaic (“PV” since now) diffusion from 1996 (PV wide diffusion starting date) to 2010, in 14 selected countries (on the basis of the best performance at EU level, showed by the time series considered) and, secondly, we want to evaluate the technical efficiency of these countries in terms of efficient resources utilization and cost efficiency. For this scope a two steps analysis is performed. In the first step, by using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique, we will identify specific weights of the variables considered for each year, and the roles (in terms of we…
Electric mobility in the Sicilian short food supply chain
This paper is the first study to explore the intention of entrepreneurs operating in the Short Food Supply Chain to adopt electric mobility inside their business. For this purpose, a case study approach was chosen, employing a questionnaire based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the New Ecological Paradigm to investigate the determinants affecting this intentional behaviour. The empirical analysis has been carried out in the city of Palermo (Italy), involving 42 entrepreneurs who participate in farmer's markets. Results show that entrepreneurs with higher levels of intention to introduce sustainable means of transport, such as electric vehicles, are the most concerned about the enviro…
The dynamics of Italian competitive positioning in the Mediterranean Bluefin tuna industry
The bluefin tuna or Thunnus thynnus is one of the widely recognised fish species since ancient times. Italy is the most important players in the international arena, however, the introduction of a system of total allowable catches and other measures established by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, has deeply changed the competitive positioning of Italy. The aim of this study is to perform an analysis of the comparative advantage of Italy by using the relative trade advantage index. Findings reveal that Italy has gained a competitive advantage in the Maltese market and has suffered a loss of the historical competitive advantage in the Japanese one. Results …
Sustainable European fishery and the Friend of the Sea scheme: tools to achieve sustainable development in the fishery sector
This paper investigates the role of the Friend of the Sea (FOS) scheme as a market tool for sustainable competitive advantage. To capture this effect, we apply a theoretical framework based on the stakeholder theory (SHT) and the natural-resource-based view (NRBV) to two case studies each in Italy and Spain. Our model allows us to explain the main factors determining an effective and competitive sustainable business model in the fishery sector. The results confirm the relevant influence of market forces in acquiring FOS certification and the role of the same as a counterpart to state authority.
The integration of quality and safety concerns in the wine industry: the role of third-party voluntary certifications
Abstract Over the past few years, public attention has focused on the quality and safety control, traceability, and environmental issues surrounding food products. Several mandatory public standards and private voluntary schemes worldwide have been developed to address these concerns. Using survey data, this paper analyses the key factors affecting the adoption of voluntary quality standards in the wine industry and the existence of a relationship between the adoption of voluntary quality standards and economic performance, measured in terms of labour productivity and marketing behaviour. The survey involved 89 cellars, of which 68 were non-certified and 21 had one or more food quality cert…
Stakeholder engagement toward value co-creation in the F&B packaging industry
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how a food and beverage packaging company manages internal and external stakeholders to achieve sustainable innovation outcomes, as well as to contribute to the spread of sustainability paths along the supply chain, on which it operates. Design/methodology/approach A case study approach was chosen and applied multiple methods of semi-structured interviews and a documentation review. Findings Results reveal a structured stakeholder relationship management, according to which the packaging company acts through a stakeholder engagement process to both acquire and share new knowledge to address stakeholder pressure. Co-creation models result in a…
This paper, based on transaction costs theory, represents a contribution to the existing literature, and a first step towards a more in depth study, aimed to identify the more important transaction costs able to influence the strategic choices of firms. In particular, this approach has been used to evaluate, through a telephone survey, the influence of transaction costs on the sale channels choice made by a small sample of Sicilian firms active in the Ornamental Plants economic sub-sector. Results show that transaction costs increase moving from direct sale to the sale to wholesalers and large scale retail (LSR) channels, confirming our starting hypothesis. In particular, information and ne…
Exploring the feasibility of introducing electric freight vehicles in the short food supply chain: A multi-stakeholder approach
Abstract The transition towards more sustainable approaches in the Food Supply Chain was concretely visible in the implementation of alternative models, like the Short Food Supply Chain. Some authors raise doubts on the environmental impact of this model, in particular for the externalities caused by the transport system, suggesting the adoption of Electric Freight vehicles. By adopting a multi-stakeholder approach, the objective of this study is to explore both the barriers and potentialities involved in the adoption of Electric Freight vehicles in the Short Food Supply Chain, and the existence of a shared strategy at the system level able to foster their adoption. Results suggest that, fo…
The photovoltaic growth in the European Union requires stronger RES support
Since the adoption of the EU Directive, 2001/77/EC, the production of electricity from renewable energy sources has progressed. Apart from the indicative target proposed by the Directive, actually no other tools of policy monitoring exist. To fill this gap, we propose a dynamic method able to capture this multidimensional phenomenon, providing an assessment tool to measure the technical efficiency performances of EU countries in the photovoltaic sector (1996–2010). Results show how technical efficiencies of countries are, from one hand, due to problems belonging to the economic and political contexts in which they operate, on the other hand driven by specific political support schemes adopt…
The effect of support schemes on Photovoltaic installed capacity in Europe: a WDEA-STATIS analysis
The European Union (EU) has been committed to promoting Renewable Energy Sources (RES) since 1985, focusing its attention on the financial coordination needed to support the sector, and the possibility of harmonizing support scheme systems. Starting from this assumption, the aim of this study is to provide, by means of STATIS together with windows DEA analysis, a response about which kind of support schemes have worked best in a sample of 11 EU Member States over the last 15 years in terms of Photovoltaic overall installed capacity, the most expensive RES technology.
Farmers’ Proactive Behaviour An Overview about Theoretical Bases and Factors Affecting Sustainability
This chapter shows a review on the extant literature on the most used socio-psychological theories employed by scholars to investigate this topic. Second, through applying an exploratory case study, carried out on a sample of wineries working in the Canton of Ticino (Switzerland), the present work intends to gather more knowledge about which factors affect wine managers’ behaviour towards the adoption of more sustainable practices into their business. The case study has been preceded by a theoretical contribution based on the two most widespread theories used in research field: Stakeholders Theory (SHT) (Freeman, 1984) and Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991). The decision to int…
Europe 2020: analisi multidimensionale a livello macro e micro per il confronto e il monitoraggio nel settore delle rinnovabili
Obiettivo generale del presente lavoro è proporre analisi statistiche di tipo multidimensionale finalizzate a valutare e monitorare gli effetti delle politiche Europee nel settore delle Fonti di Energia Rinnovabile (FER), con un focus specifico al monitoraggio della Europe2020 a livello regionale. La prima parte del lavoro presenta un panoramica storica dei principali atti legislativi con i quali è stata avviata concretamente la Politica Energetica sulle rinnovabili a livello Europeo. Alla luce delle informazioni così raccolte, la seconda parte della tesi ha avuto ad oggetto l’analisi dell’effetto, misurato in termini di Mega Watt installati, dei regimi di sostegno implementati da 11 Stati …
ISO 14470:2011 and EU legislative background on food irradiation technology: The Italian attitude
Our work aim is to produce an overview of food irradiation technology at European Union level, with a focus on the Italian context, by specifying the legislative background, detection methods and labelling obligations. We highlight how consumers are too often misinformed about this technology and its benefits. For this purpose, a series of tools aimed at improving the amount of information have been proposed, allowing the consumer to make a free choice about whether or not to buy irradiated food based on the correct information received, independent from socio-economic factors. Finally, we show the common effort at EU and International level, represented by the ISO 14470:2011 quality standa…
Geographical cues: evidences from New and Old World countries' wine consumers
PurposeThis systematic review aims to investigate how geographical cues affect wine consumers' behaviors, with reference to the New and Old Worlds, and accordingly, how are recent consumption patterns and new consumer profiles modifying roles of geographical cues?Design/methodology/approachThis work employed a systematic literature review methodology on the extant literature published from 2009 to 2019.FindingsResults, summarized in a conceptual framework, emphasize five thematic areas on how geographical cues should be considered for future research and for new marketing strategies to capture consumers of New and Old World wines. Consumers' wine knowledge, socio-ethno-demographic factors, …
The requisite match between internal resources and network ties to cope with knowledge scarcity
PurposeThis paper aims to investigate the internationalization strategies of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), focusing on the interaction between network ties and “soft” internal resources at the foundation of knowledge management (KM). Specifically, it identifies the firms’ internal capabilities that affect KM strategies, and their collective influence on the degree of internationalization; verifies the influence of network ties on the internationalization process itself; and develops a conceptual “preliminary theoretical framework of SME internationalization capabilities and networks.”Design/methodology/approachThe primary research and analysis are based on a proportional stratified s…
Exploring the common blockchain adoption enablers: the case of three Italian wineries
Purpose This study aims to explore and describe the main enabling factors affecting the implementation of blockchain technology (BCT) in a strategic sector such as the wine industry, as well as the motivation behind this choice. Design/methodology/approach In light of the novelty of the phenomenon studied, a case study approach was adopted analyzing three Italian wineries. A conceptual framework, based on the dynamic capabilities, absorptive capacity and dominant logic theories, was developed. Primary and secondary data were collected. Findings Results show that wineries working in a highly dynamic and competitive market invest more in knowledge acquisition and internal assimilation and le…
Organizational models in the Sicilian ornamental plant industry: An empirical analysis based on transaction cost theory
The process of market globalization has led to a redefinition of business models in order to compete in domestic and international markets. In the current competitive scenario, the survival of companies is linked to their ability to reduce or contain the sum of both production and transaction costs. The aim of this paper is to identify the existence of similar organizational models of a sample of Sicilian firms active in the Ornamental Plants sector based on those transaction costs that they support in relation to the sales channel and the other human and firm characteristics. Using a clustering procedure, we identified four well-distinct organizational models whose formation is influenced …
European Union commitment towards RES market penetration: From the first legislative acts to the publication of the recent guidelines on State aid 2014/2020
Abstract During the last three decades, the European Union (EU) commitment towards the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) market penetration has been very complex, involving several aspects pertaining to the economic and political action of Member States. This paper seeks to overview the historical development of the legislative EU framework, including a description of the main financial programmes established and managed by the EU Directorates General. Moreover, the work will proceed with the picture of some Investment Funds, ad hoc created for RES undertakings, and managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) in collaboration with the EU or other foreign Bank Institutes. The delicate matter …
Assessing the dynamic of agri-food export trends before and after the EU Eastern Enlargement
This study examines the evolution in development of Intra-European Union agri-food export during the period 2000–2011. By using Data Envelopment Window Analysis, this paper at first provides a more comprehensive picture on agri-food trade performance of sampled New Member States, focusing the attention on the pre and post phase of the enlargement process. Two specific country case studies will be released, revealing different patterns of performance among New EU Member States. The majority of New EU Member States differed in their approach in benefiting from the opportunity to enter into the EU enlarged market, and some of theme preferred to strengthen established trade relations with a pas…
IL progetto Enernetmob per una maggiore sostenibilità dei trasporti nella filiera corta
Il progetto EnerNETMob “MeditErraNEan inteRregional electromobility NETworks for interMOdal and interurBan low carbon transport systems”, co-finanziato dal programma europeo InterregMed, si propone di progettare, testare e migliorare piani di elettromobilità sostenibili che collegano città e regioni nell’area del Mediterraneo seguendo standard comuni e misure politiche, finalizzate alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra nell’atmosfera. EnerNETMob promuove, infatti, la condivisione e la promozione della mobilità sostenibile e l’intermodalità terra-mare, attraverso l’implementazione di reti pilota interurbane e interregionali di veicoli elettrici anche co-alimentati da fonti di energia r…
The contribution of a supplier of the food and beverage industry to the sustainability of the overall supply chain
Achieving sustainable scopes in a supply chain context entails structural changes at all tiers. Recently, scholars investigated different models able to achieve a sustainable supply chain management. With the aim to explain which factors, at the single supplier level, could reassure a focal firm as regards the compliance of sub-suppliers toward sustainability principles, a case study was performed on a company of the food and beverage packaging industry, based on the natural resources-based view of the firm. Results show the leading role that, a major supplier, can play in promoting sub-suppliers' compliance towards sustainable principles. Reputation, legitimacy and concerns about future po…
The ability of fish ecolabels to promote a change in the sustainability awareness
Abstract Researchers, environmentalists, as well as fisheries and retailers, have been focusing their attention on the design, use and effects that fish ecolabels have on sustainability. The fish processing industry and large retailers have rapidly adopted several market-based standards, with consequences for two major stakeholders: fishermen and consumers. Although the standards have shown rather positive results, from the perspectives of marine biodiversity conservation, the fish industry and trade, it is not clear how they are able to support a change in people’s awareness about sustainability. For this reason, the present work reviews and analyses the literature, produced in the last te…