Evaluation of saltwork ponds operation through brine characterization and geochemical modelling using PHREEQC code integrating the Pitzer correction
Seawater represents a potential resource for the extraction of salts and raw materials [1]. About one-third of the global table-salt production is manufactured in solar saltworks [2], being the most representative product of seawater processing. However, other valuable compounds such as Magnesium, Lithium and trace elements belonging to the alkaline/alkaline-earth metals (e.g. Rb, Cs, Sr) and transition/post-transition metals (e.g. Co, Ga, Ge) are present. Many of these elements are included in the EU Critical Raw Materials (CRM) list, grouping natural assets classified as fundamental for the wealth of the socio-economic structure of Europe [3]. In saltworks, natural evaporation of seawater…