Samuel Palermo
Experimental Tests to Validate a Simple Procedure to Design Dual-Diameter Drip Laterals on Flat Fields
Multiple-diameter laterals reduce the total cost in microirrigation systems, however, the length of each sublateral should be determined carefully to assure appro-priate performance of emitter flow rates. The most accurate method is the numerical trial and error, which is time-consuming. A series of research efforts have been made to propose simple analytical design procedures. By using the power-law form of the Darcy-Weisbach formula, and equal emitters spacing for the sublaterals, Sadeghi et al. (Sadeghi et al. in J Irrig Drain E-ASCE 142:04,016,020, 2016) extended a previously introduced design solution for one-diameter laterals to tapered laterals. Recently, a simplified procedure to de…
An Innovative Soil Bioengineering Technique by Waste Materials: The RiVite Project
This paper describes the RiVite project granted by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development according to the JUMP (Joint Universities Program for PoC) program for patents enhancement, proposed by Sant’Anna School, Scuola Normale and the University of Palermo. The patent (Calvo, R., D’Asaro, F., Baiamonte, G.: Metodo per la realizzazione di un’opera costruttiva modulare per la protezione del territorio e detta opera. Attestato di Brevetto per Invenzione Industriale, n° 102,017,000,141,369, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Roma, 27/02/2020.) consists of an advanced soil bioengineering work providing anti-erosion function, consolidating and stabilizing of slopes, thus for land protectio…
Measuring and Modelling Evaporation Losses from Wet Branches of Lemon Trees
Evaporation losses of rainfall intercepted by canopies depend on many factors, including the temporal scale of observations. At the event scale, interception is a few millimetres, whereas at a larger temporal scale, the number of times that a canopy is filled by rainfall and then depleted can make the interception an important fraction of the rainfall depth. Recently, a simplified interception/evaporation model has been proposed, which considers a modified Merrian model to compute interception during wet spells and a simple power-law equation to model evaporation from wet canopy during dry spells. Modelling evaporation process at the sub hourly temporal scale required the two parameters of …