Hélène Réveillas
La nécropole Néolithique moyen d’Obernai ‘Neuen Brunnen’ (Bas-Rhin) : rites funéraires de la première moitié du 5e millénaire dans le sud de la plaine du Rhin supérieur (Grossgartach, Planig-Friedberg, Roessen)
The Obernai ’Neuen Brunnen’ necropolis in Lower Alsace yielded 29 tombs attributed to the Middle Neolithic. It was probably founded during the Early Grossgartach, at the end of the 48th century BC, and abandoned during the Roessen, perhaps during the Early Roessen, and in any case before the middle of the 46th century BC. The most original feature of this mortuary assemblage is that most of the tombs belong to the Planig-Friedberg period (the last stylistic phase of the Grossgartach) and the Roessen. The mortuary practices of these periods are still poorly known in the region. The necropolis is composed of three spatial groups, the most ancient of which contains all the Grossgartach tombs a…
Obernai (Bas-Rhin), Parc d'activités économiques intercommunal : 6000 ans d'Histoire au pied du Mont Sainte-Odile
Un secteur d'habitat du haut Moyen Âge (VIIe-XIIe siècle) et son espace funéraire à Pfulgriesheim, Rue du Levant (Bas-Rhin)
The preventive archaeological excavations conducted by Inrap under the direction of Édith Peytremann in 2010, in the commune of Pfulgriesheim in the Kochersberg region, led to the discovery of a settlement sector occupied from the middle of the 7th century to the end of the 11th century. The singularity of the site lies in the absence of any pole constructions and the subdivision of the sector, from the 10th century onwards, by building on cellars associated with excavated huts, pits, and silos. The dynamics tend to show a retraction of the latter from the beginning of the 8th century to the middle of the 10th century, while it is marked by the presence of a funerary complex arranged along …