Laura Remesal
Estudio de la función de los factores de transcripción PBX en la diferenciación a neurona dopaminérgica del bulbo olfatorio de ratón
[EN] Dopamine signalling regulates a variety of complex behaviours and defects in dopaminergic neuron function or survival result in severe human pathologies such as Parkinson´s disease. All dopaminergic neurons are characterized by the expression of a battery of genes that code for a set of proteins required for the synthesis, release and re-uptake of dopamine and all together are called the DA pathway genes. Therefore, understanding how this set of genes are transcriptionally activated in a coordinated manner is the first step to discover the clues of dopaminergic terminal differentiation. The dopamine pathway genes are highly conserved throughout evolution. Studies in the nematode C.eleg…
PBX1 acts as terminal selector for olfactory bulb dopaminergic neurons
15 páginas, 8 figuras. Supplementary information available online at http://dev.biologists.org/lookup/doi/10.1242/dev.186841.supplemental