Mika Pekkonen

Spouses’ Experiences of Rehabilitees’ Burnout and Recovery

The role of family members’ support in the burnout recovery process has been recognized in several studies. The role of emotional support provided by the spouse has been found to be significant in reducing burnout levels. Although crossover of burnout and emotional support have been investigated, the partners’ experiences of the individuals’ burnout and recovery have remained largely unexplored. To fill this research gap the study aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the experiences of spouses of individuals who have a history of burnout and are recovering from it by participating in a rehabilitation course. Ten spouses of individuals who had previously suffered and had recovered or was re…

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Maslachin yleisen työuupumuksen arviointimenetelmän (MBI-GS) rakenne ja pysyvyys: pitkittäistutkimus kuntoutusasiakkaiden keskuudessa

Tämän pitkittäistutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella Maslachin yleisen työuupumuksen arviointimenetelmän (MBI-GS) rakennetta ja sen ajallista pysyvyyttä. MBI-GS on kansainvälisesti tunnetuin ja käytetyin työuupumuskysely, mutta sen aikaisempi tutkimus on rajoittunut poikkileikkausasetelmiin sekä työtekijäaineistoihin, joissa työuupumusoireilu on ollut vähäistä. Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu työntekijöistä, jotka ovat hakeutuneet kuntoutukseen erilaisten työhön liittyvien terveys- ja hyvinvointiongelmien vuoksi. Kuntoutujat täyttivät MBI-GS-työuupumuskyselyn kuntoutukseen tullessa (T1 n = 155) sekä 4 kuukautta tämän jälkeen (T2 n = 140). Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että MBI-GS- m…

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My Well-Being in My Own Hands: Experiences of Beneficial Recovery During Burnout Rehabilitation.

Purpose To explore how burnout rehabilitation clients experienced their recovery from burnout and what they found beneficial in rehabilitation. Subjects Twelve clients whose burnout levels had declined during rehabilitation were interviewed at the end of the second period of the rehabilitation course. Methods Semi-structured interviews comprised the main material of the study and were analysed by content analysis. In addition, the Bergen Burnout Indicator (BBI-15) was used to measure the reduction in burnout levels. Results The analysis yielded a single overarching theme, Mywell-being in my own hands, and four categories. The overarching theme describes the overall process of recovery and t…

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Walking recovery after a hip fracture: A prospective follow-up study among community-dwelling over 60-year old men and women

Purpose. Recovery of walking outdoors after hip fracture is important for equal participation in the community. The causes of poor recovery are not fully understood. This study investigates recovery of walking outdoors and associated determinants after hip fracture.Methods. A prospective follow-up study, among clinical sample of 81 community-dwelling hip fracture patients over 60 years. Perceived difficulty in walking outdoors and 500 meters was assessed before fracture, at discharge to home (3.2 ± 2.2 weeks after surgery), and on average 6.0 ± 3.3 weeks after discharge. Potential determinants for walking recovery were assessed. Linear latent trajectory model was used to analyse changes dur…

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Longitudinal factorial invariance of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey among employees with job-related psychological health problems

The study provides new knowledge about the longitudinal factorial invariance of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS). In order to investigate the factor structure of the MBI-GS and its invariance across time, a full panel data with two measurements gathered among employees with job-related psychological health problems was used. Consistent with previous study findings, the results indicated that the correlated three-factor model of the MBI-GS (i.e. exhaustion, cynicism and professional efficacy) showed a better fit with the data than the alternative factor models. The correlated three-factor structure was invariant across time, indicating that the scale has good construct v…

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Impaired geometric properties of tibia in older women with hip fracture history.

This study evaluated side-to-side differences in tibial mineral mass and geometry in women with previous hip fracture sustained on average 3.5 years earlier. Both tibial mineral mass and geometry were found to be reduced in the fractured leg. INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to evaluate side-to-side differences in tibial mineral mass and geometry after hip fracture and to assess the determinants of such differences. METHODS: Thirty-eight 60- to 85-year-old women with a previous hip fracture and 22 same-aged control women without fractures participated in the study. Bone characteristics of the distal tibia and tibial shaft of both legs were assessed using pQCT in order to compare …

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Burnout during a long-term rehabilitation: comparing low burnout, high burnout - benefited, and high burnout - not benefited trajectories.

To focus rehabilitation activities among burnout clients more effectively, it is important to investigate who benefits from burnout interventions. This study (N=85) aimed at identifying burnout trajectories in terms of benefit, that is, subgroups of clients who share similar mean levels and changes in burnout during a one-year rehabilitation intervention (17 days in total) with a six-month follow-up. After identifying the burnout trajectories, the relations of the trajectories with factors describing the clients, antecedents, and consequences of burnout during the one-year intervention were examined. Three burnout trajectories were identified by growth mixture modeling: (a) low burnout (n=3…

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Cardiac Rehabilitees' Technology Experiences Before Remote Rehabilitation : Qualitative Study Using a Grounded Theory Approach

Background: Even though technology is becoming increasingly common in rehabilitation programs, insufficient data are as yet available on rehabilitees’ perceptions and experiences. It is important to understand their abilities when using technology for remote rehabilitation. Objective: This is a qualitative study on technology experiences of persons affected by cardiovascular disease assessed before remote rehabilitation. The aim of the study was to explore rehabilitees’ experiences and attitudes toward technology before 12 months of remote rehabilitation. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 39 rehabilitees in four focus groups. The subjects were aged 34 to 77 years (average …

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Narratives of Burnout and Recovery from an Agency Perspective : A Two-Year Longitudinal Study

Abstract Purpose To provide knowledge about the recovery process during rehabilitation and two years later by exploring the manifestation of agency and spheres of meaning in the narratives of participants in a national rehabilitation course. Material and methods The subjects of the study were four participants in a national rehabilitation course, whose burnout levels had decreased between the initial and follow-up periods of the course. Semi-structured interviews on two occasions and an electronic questionnaire 1.5 years post rehabilitation comprised the main material. In addition, the BBI -15 (Bergen Burnout Indicator) and DEPS-screen were used. Results Thematic narrative analysis revealed…

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Recovery from burnout during a one-year rehabilitation intervention with six-month follow-up: Associations with coping strategies.

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Comparing two burnout interventions: Perceived job control mediates decreases in burnout.

This quasi-experimental study compared the effects of two rehabilitation interventions on burnout, and perceived job conditions during a one-year intervention among female white-collar workers. The participatory intervention (n = 20), involving rehabilitation activities focusing on the individual as well as individual-organizational levels, reduced exhaustion and cynicism and increased perceived job control during a one-year period. Increased job control served as a mechanism through which exhaustion and cynicism decreased in this intervention. The traditional intervention (n = 32), involving rehabilitation activities focusing mainly on the individual level, resulted in a reduction in time …

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Effects of a Home-Based Physical Rehabilitation Program on Physical Disability After Hip Fracture: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Abstract Objective Fewer than half of the patients with hip fracture will regain the prefracture level of physical functioning. This secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial investigated the effects of a multicomponent home-based rehabilitation program (ProMo) on physical disability after hip fracture. Design Randomized, controlled, parallel-group trial. Setting Rehabilitation in participants' homes; measurements in university-based laboratory and local hospital. Participants Population-based clinical sample of community-dwelling people older than 60 years (n = 81) operated for hip fracture were randomized into intervention and control groups. Intervention The year-long intervent…

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Physical dose of therapeutic exercises in institutional neck rehabilitation

Objective: To determine the intensity and volume of therapeutic exercises during a standard 13-day inpatient neck rehabilitation course in relation to overall physical activity in rehabilitation and everyday life. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Subjects (n=19; 16 women and 3 men; mean age 48.6 years, standard deviation (SD) 6.6) with chronic nonspecific neck pain were recruited from two inpatient neck rehabilitation courses. Intensity and volume of therapeutic exercises and physical activity were measured in metabolic equivalents (METs) with an objective measurement device and all-time recall questionnaire. Maximum oxygen uptake was determined in METs (METc) by direct maximal cycle…

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Ikääntyvien kuntoutujien fyysinen aktiivisuus ja paikallaanolo laitoskuntoutusjakson aikana

Fyysinen aktiivisuus on tärkeää sairauksista, vammoista tai heikentyneestä elämänhallinnasta kuntoutuessa ja ylläpidettäessä saavutettuja kuntoutumistuloksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata  ikääntyvien kuntoutujien fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja paikallaanoloa kuntoutuslaitoksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin työkykyä ylläpitävän ja parantavan valmennuksen ja sydänkuntoutuksen kursseilla. Tutkimukseen osallistui 19 keskimäärin 57-vuotiasta miestä ja naista, joiden fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja paikallaanolo aikaa mitattiin kiihtyvyysanturilla viiden kuntoutuspäivän aikana. Tulokset osoittivat, että kuntoutujat olivat liikkumatta suurimman osan hereillä oloajasta. Toisaalta kuntoutujille kerty…

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Miksi liiallinen istuminen on vaarallista?

Säännöllisen liikunnan terveyshyödyt ovat kiistattomat. Viime vuosina lisääntynyt epidemiologinen näyttö on osoittanut liiallisen istumisen olevan terveysriski, vaikka henkilö täyttäisi nykyiset liikuntasuositukset. Istuminen on itsenäinen terveysriski kahdesta syystä: liikunnan harrastaminen ei vähennä istumisaikaa, eikä liikunnan lisääminen vaikuta kaikkiin istumisen terveysriskien taustalla oleviin mekanismeihin. Istuessa lihasten passiivisuus suurentaa insuliiniresistenssiä ja vaikuttaa rasvahappojen kuljetukseen ja hapetukseen lihaskudoksessa, eikä akuutti liikunta riitä palauttamaan kaikkia muutoksia. Riittävä arkiaktiivisuus näyttääkin olevan tärkeää insuliiniherkkyyteen vaikuttavien…

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