Valérie Lanier
L'accueil des enfants (d') immigrés dans les écoles françaises : éducation entre culture familiale et culture du pays d'arrivée
Immigrant(s') children are the purveyors of a family tongue and culture which differ from that of the host country and its education system, when in fact, family culture and the mother-tongue play a major role in harmonious child development and in his/her integration into society. School, which should aim at both enabling the child to establish himself/herself as a subject and finding his/her place in society, conveys a different culture, which is regarded as legitimate. What about the tongues and cultures of immigrant children? Until the 1970s, nothing specific was schemed for immigrant school children. They had to merge with the rest. Family reunification policies brought along the takin…
Etude sur la scolarisation des élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés (EANA) et des enfants issus de familles itinérantes et de voyageurs (EFIV)