Marc Buthiot

Comparaison des deux sites expérimentaux de longue durée pour l’étude de l’impact des fertilisants sur les propriétés physiques et chimiques des sols

research product

Pesticides sur blé tendre d'hiver, diversité dans le détail

Contexte -L’analyse des pratiques d’application des pesticides (herbicides, fongicides, insecticides, ré-gulateurs) sur le blé tendre d’hiver (BTH) a été réalisée à partir de données d’en-quêtes annuelles sur une petite zone agricole en Côte-d’Or. Etude - L’étude a porté sur 294 parcelles appar-tenant à 13 exploitants pour la période 2004-2011. L’indice retenu pour carac-tériser l’usage des pesti-cides est l’IFT (indice de fréquence de traitements).

research product

ECoPESt - Evaluation et comparaison des performances environnementales de systèmes de culture innovants conçus pour réduire l’usage des pesticides : lien entre pratiques, pressions et impacts. Rapport final, 130 pp.

research product

Analysis of relationships between farming practices, weed flora and crop production

International audience; Quantitative data on the potential losses of crop yield due to weeds is limited. Approaches toquantify weed damages considered only individual weed species, and have not included thecompounding of effects at the community level. Moreover they did not integrate the influence ofagricultural practices and environmental variables on the weed-crop relationship. Here weanalysed a big data sets to study relations between crop management, weed communities’indicators and crop yield and then develop path analysis models to disentangle the confoundingeffects of cropping system on weeds and crop production. Flora surveys (N= 651) were performedfrom 2006 to 2013 on 150 fields in …

research product

Analyse des effets direct et indirect des pratiques agricoles sur les adventices et la production de blé tendre d’hiver

Analysis of direct and indirect effects of farming practices on weeds and winter wheat yield. Farmers implement farming practices to maximize production by limiting biotic (e.g. weeds) and abiotic (e.g. nutrient) growth factors. Our study aimed to quantify direct and indirect (through a change of weed pressure) effects of farming practices on yield. We analysed the relationships between farming practices, weeds and yield of 152 wheat fields located in the study site of Fénay (UMR Agroécologie, Dijon) using partial least square path modelling (PLS-PM). Our results showed that farming practices had a positive direct effect on crop productivity (β = 0.32). Farming practices decreased weed pres…

research product