María-jesús Cava

Psychometric analysis of the Scale of Teacher´s Perception of School Adjustment (PROF-A)

Teacher' perception of their students' school adjustment can be an important indicator of psychosocialwell-being and provide useful information for the development of interventions to improve theirpsychosocial adjustment. This is the reason why it is essential within the school adjustment to consider notonly students' academic achievement but also their level of social integration in the classroom, the qualityof their relationship with the teacher, and the level of family involvement in their education. The objectiveof this research is to provide a reliable instrument for measuring a full school adjustment and analyze itsrelationship with two important indicators of psychosocial adjustment,…

research product

Effects of DARSI Intervention Program on Adolescents'Perceptions of Love, Tolerance toward Abuse and Dating Violence Perpetration

Teen dating violence is a serious problem and intervention programs aimed at reducing this violence and helping adolescents to develop healthier romantic relationships are needed. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of the DARSI program on the development of a more adequate perception of love, the reduction of tolerance toward abuse in romantic relationships, and the reduction of the perpetration of dating violence in adolescents. The sample consisted of 129 adolescents, aged 12 to 17 years (M = 14.05, SD = 1.08). A repeated measures (pre-test and post-test) quasi-experimental design with an intervention group and a control group was used to assess the effects of the progr…

research product

Psychosocial Adjustment in occasional and frequent Victims of teen Dating Violence

El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el ajuste psicosocial en los adolescentes víctimas de violencia de pareja, considerando posibles diferencias en función de la frecuencia de la victimización y del sexo de los adolescentes. Los indicadores del ajuste psicológico y social analizados son el ánimo depresivo, los sentimientos de soledad, el autoconcepto, la satisfacción con la vida y la calidad de la comunicación con el padre y la madre. Participaron 672 adolescentes españoles (325 chicas, 347 chicos), entre 12 y 19 años (M = 14.45; DT = 1.62). Los resultados indicaron que los adolescentes, chicos y chicas, en situación frecuente de victimización presentan menor autoconcepto familiar…

research product

Psychosocial Profile of Spanish Adolescent Aggressors and Victims of Dating Violence

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar posibles diferencias en satisfacción con la vida, ánimo depresivo, autoconcepto y comunicación familiar entre adolescentes no implicados en violencia de pareja, agresores, víctimas, implicados en el rol de agresor-víctima de forma ocasional e implicados en este rol frecuentemente. Participaron 672 adolescentes españoles (325 chicas, 347 chicos), entre 12 y 19 años (M = 14.45; DT = 1.62). Los resultados muestran un perfil psicosocial más negativo en las chicas víctimas de violencia de pareja y en los chicos implicados frecuentemente en el rol de agresor-víctima. En las chicas con mayor implicación en violencia de pareja se observan también may…

research product

Ciberacoso escolar, ajuste psicosocial e ideación suicida en la adolescencia

ABTSRACT Cyberbullying has become a growing social concern among the scientific community and in society in general. The consequences of cyberbullying for the victim are quite serious; many indicators of social maladjustment have been found, with suicide ideation being especially noteworthy. From this perspective, the main objective of this study was to analyze the relationships between cybervictimization and suicide ideation in adolescent victims of cyberbullying through the psychosocial maladjustment variables of loneliness, depressive symptomatology, perceived stress, and psychological distress. Participants in this study were 1,062 adolescents (547 boys, 515 girls), ranging in age from …

research product

Romantic myths and cyber dating violence victimization in Spanish adolescents: A moderated mediation model

Adolescents’ beliefs in romantic myths of love have been related to cyber dating violence victimization. However, these relationships could be mediated by adolescents’ tolerant attitudes toward dating abuse and be different for adolescent boys and girls. A better understanding of these relationships is important for developing more effective prevention programs. Thus, the current study aimed to examine the relationships between beliefs in romantic myths and cyber dating violence victimization in adolescents, analyzing the possible mediating role of tolerant attitudes toward abuse and the possible moderator role of gender. Participants were 467 Spanish adolescents who had a romantic relation…

research product

Análisis psicométrico de la Escala de Ajuste Escolar Percibido por el Profesor (PROF-A)

La percepción del profesor del ajuste escolar de sus alumnos puede ser un importante indicador de su bienestar psicosocial y aportar información útil para el desarrollo de intervenciones encaminadas a mejorar su ajuste psicosocial. No obstante, para ello es fundamental considerar dentro del ajuste escolar no sólo el rendimiento académico del alumno sino también su nivel de integración social en el aula, la calidad de su relación con el profesor y el grado de implicación familiar en su educación. El objetivo de esta investigación es aportar un instrumento fiable para una medición completa del ajuste escolar y analizar su relación con dos importantes indicadores de ajuste psicosocial, el auto…

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