Sara Segura

Analysis of a severe pollution episode in Valencia (Spain) and its effect on ground level particulate matter

Abstract This study analyzes the atmospheric particles concentration at ground level during a severe pollution event that took place in Valencia (Spain) from 7 to 12 February 2011. The episode was related to a subtropical anticyclone system that affected the Iberian Peninsula and western Europe. The dominant anticyclone imposed an extended low gradient pressure system and a low mixing layer height in the region that caused the accumulation of pollutants over the western Mediterranean. Moreover, the stagnant conditions led to the formation of the local sea breeze, accompanied by an increase of relative humidity and the decrease of ambient temperature. Our study is mainly focused on the analy…

research product

Determination and analysis of in situ spectral aerosol optical properties by a multi-instrumental approach

Continuous in situ measurements of aerosol optical properties were conducted from 29 June to 29 July 2012 in Granada (Spain) with a seven-wavelength Aethalometer, a Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer, and a three-wavelength integrating nephelometer. The aim of this work is to describe a methodology to obtain the absorption coefficients (babs) for the different Aethalometer wavelengths. In this way, data have been compensated using algorithms which best estimate the compensation factors needed. Two empirical factors are used to infer the absorption coefficients from the Aethalometer measurements: C – the parameter describing the enhancement of absorption by particles in the filter matrix due …

research product

Analysis of a strong wildfire event over Valencia (Spain) during Summer 2012 – Part 1: Aerosol microphysics and optical properties

Abstract. The most intense wildfire experienced in Eastern Spain since 2004 happened in Valencia during summer 2012. Although the fire was mostly active during days 29–30 June, a longer temporal period (from 24 June to 4 July) was selected for this analysis. Column-integrated, vertical resolved and surface aerosol observations were performed continuously at the Burjassot station throughout the studied period. The aerosol optical depth at 500 nm shows values larger than 2 for the most intense part of the wildfire and an extremely high maximum of 8 was detected on 29 June. The simultaneous increase of the Ångström exponent was also observed, indicating the important contribution of small part…

research product

Proposal of a simple model for the characterization of aerosols in relation to the dominant air masses

In this work, we present a simple model that allows us to easily obtain the character of the dominant air mass for any location in the Northern Hemisphere at any time. Specifically, in this article the model has been tested at Valencia, Spain, for the years from 2006 to 2009. The classification of the air masses is performed analysing their trajectories over pre-defined source regions in the Northern Hemisphere. Daily trajectories were simulated by the hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory model HYSPLIT and then classified by our model. In order to verify our classification results, those cases identified as African were compared with the Saharan dust intrusions reported f…

research product

Assessment and application of MODIS ocean and land algorithms for the characterization of aerosol properties over a Mediterranean coastal site

Abstract The aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Angstrom exponent (α) obtained from MODIS Terra and Aqua over the coastal urban site of Burjassot (Spain) during the period 2002–2011 have been compared with retrievals from AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) and ESR (European Skynet Radiometers) in order to investigate the performance of MODIS algorithms over land and ocean, respectively. The comparison of the MODIS aerosol products C051 over both land and ocean has been performed for a window size of 50 km × 50 km centred on the monitoring site. The correlation coefficients obtained from the comparison of the AOD from MODIS with that from ground-based measurements are 0.85 and 0.87 over land for…

research product

Impact of dust and smoke mixing on column-integrated aerosol properties from observations during a severe wildfire episode over Valencia (Spain)

The most destructive wildfire experienced in Spain since 2004 occurred close to Valencia in summer 2012. A total of 48.500ha were affected by two wildfires, which were mostly active during 29-30 June. The fresh smoke plume was detected at the Burjassot measurement station simultaneously to a severe dust episode. We propose an empirical method to evaluate the dust and smoke mixing and its impact on the microphysical and optical properties. For this, we combine direct-sun measurements with a Cimel CE-318 sun-photometer with an inversion methodology, and the Mie theory to derive the column-integrated size distribution, single scattering albedo (SSA) and asymmetry parameter (g). The mixing of d…

research product

Evaluation of a High School Practical Experience on Noise Pollution With Smartphones

This work presents the evaluation of a practical experience on noise pollution based on the use of smartphones to check if it helps students to better understand the concepts related to this phenomenon. This evaluation has been done with a pre-post design in which 112 students, enrolled in the “Physics and Chemistry” course of the 1st year of non-compulsory high school, have first filled in a diagnostics questionnaire with 5 free response questions about their knowledge on the topic and then a pre-post questionnaire with 4 free response questions. The results show that the proposed practical experience is effective since a statistically significant improvement is obtained both globally and …

research product

Long term analysis of the columnar and surface aerosol relationship at an urban European coastal site

Abstract Simultaneous PM2.5, PM10 and columnar (ground and satellite based) AOD measurements have been analyzed at Burjassot site in the metropolitan area of Valencia (Spain) during the period 2007–2016. The site is representative of a south European city in the Western Mediterranean coastal area, influenced by local urban pollution but also from frequent Saharan dust events. First, multiannual statistics were performed to characterize the main aerosol burden characteristics. The averages and standard deviations resulted 18 ± 9 μg m−3, 25 ± 19 μg m−3, 0.15 ± 0.11, 0.23 ± 0.17, 0.19 ± 0.15 and 1.2 ± 0.3 for PM2.5, PM10, AERONET AOD, MODIS Terra AOD, MODIS Aqua AOD, and AERONET Angstrom expon…

research product

Multiyear in-situ measurements of atmospheric aerosol absorption properties at an urban coastal site in western Mediterranean

Abstract In-situ aerosol absorption properties measured in Valencia (Spain) for four years, from February 2011 to February 2015, have been analysed. Spectral absorption properties have been obtained using a seven-wavelength Aethalometer AE-31 which covers the range from UV (370 nm) to IR (950 nm). In order to obtain the absorption coefficients, compensation parameters have been calculated for the Aethalometer considering seasonal and spectral differences. For this multiyear measurement period, seasonal site-specific calibration parameters have been obtained. Furthermore, estimations of the absorption Angstrom Exponent (α abs ) have been calculated using the seven Aethalometer wavelengths. T…

research product

Studies on mineral dust using airborne lidar, ground-based remote sensing, and in situ instrumentation

In August 2015, the AER-D campaign made use of the FAAM research aircraft based in Cape Verde, and targeted mineral dust. First results will be shown here. The campaign had multiple objectives: (1) lidar dust mapping for the validation of satellite and model products; (2) validation of sunphotometer remote sensing with airborne measurements; (3) coordinated measurements with the CATS lidar on the ISS; (4) radiative closure studies; and (5) the validation of a new model of dustsonde.

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