Aivars Markots
Pleistocene Glaciations in Latvia
Abstract During the Pleistocene the territory of Latvia was repeatedly overridden by Scandinavian ice sheets, at least from the Elsterian onwards. Extent limit of all glaciations was located far outside of Latvia. Due to vigorous erosion by subsequent glaciations the Pleistocene record is incomplete. Radiocarbon, cosmogenic nuclide and radiation exposure dating methods have been mainly used only for age determination of the upper part of the Pleistocene sequence. Decay of the Late Weichselian glaciation in Latvia is marked by five major ice-marginal zones
Deglaciation history of Latvia
This chapter discusses the deglaciation history of Latvia. The earliest deglaciation schemes of Latvia were based entirely on morphological features. The spatial distribution of glacial landforms, with crests transverse to glacier movement combined with radiocarbon dates and biostratigraphical evidence, have provided the principal data for the reconstruction of the deglaciation process from the mid-1960s until the present. A deglaciation history should be based on multiple criteria. Attention should be paid to the identification of ice-marginal formations, and complex studies are also needed, including the investigation of the spatial distribution and internal composition of subglacial land…
Plakanvirsmas pauguru morfoloģija, uzbūve un veidošanās apstākļi salveida akumulatīvi glaciostrukturālajās augstienēs Latvijā
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