P1602Basic electrophysiological modifications induced by carvedilol in unstrectched and stretched ventricular myocardium
Abstract Background Acute regional ventricular stretch (ARVS) is a pathophysiologic event that may occur in certain situations, originating arrhythmogenic effects through the mechanoelectrical feedback. Mechanical effects of stretch originate calcium-related changes as sarcoplasmic recticulum Ca2+ overload that can trigger Ca2+ diastolic leaks (store-overload-induced Ca2+ release, SOICR), mediated by the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2). SOICR seems to be implicated in the mechanisms underlying stretch-induced arrhythmias. Carvedilol can inhibit the overload of Ca2+ through blocking of beta-adrenergic receptors, and also suppress the release of Ca2+ induced by the SOICR. Purpose The aim of…