Next-generation sequencing confirms the implication ofSLC24A1in autosomal-recessive congenital stationary night blindness
Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous retinal disorder which represents rod photoreceptor dysfunction or signal transmission defect from photoreceptors to adjacent bipolar cells. Patients displaying photoreceptor dysfunction show a Riggs-electroretinogram (ERG) while patients with a signal transmission defect show a Schubert–Bornschein ERG. The latter group is subdivided into complete or incomplete (ic) CSNB. Only few CSNB cases with Riggs-ERG and only one family with a disease-causing variant in SLC24A1 have been reported. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) in a previously diagnosed icCSNB patient identified a homozygous nonsense variant in SL…