Revista electrónica de investigación y evaluación educativa
The aim of this paper was to analyze the evolution of learning strategies of two groups of students, excellent and average, from 11 degrees of the UPV (Valencia/Spain) in their freshman year. We used the CEVEAPEU questionnaire. The results confirmed the availability of better strategies of excellent students and also the existence of evolutionary patterns in which affective-emotional strategies decrease, such as value of the task or internal attributions, and that others increase, such as extrinsic motivation and external attributions. It seems that the student does not meet your expectations in the new context and professors have important responsibilities. El objetivo de este trabajo era …
Learning strategies in excellent and average university students. Their evolution over the first year of the career
The aim of this paper was to analyze the evolution of learning strategies of two groups of students, excellent and average, from 11 degrees of the UPV (Valencia/Spain) in their freshman year. We used the CEVEAPEU questionnaire. The results confirmed the availability of better strategies of excellent students and also the existence of evolutionary patterns in which affective-emotional strategies decrease, such as value of the task or internal attributions, and that others increase, such as extrinsic motivation and external attributions. It seems that the student does not meet your expectations in the new context and professors have important responsibilities. El objetivo de este trabajo era …
Estilos de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios y enseñanza centrada en el aprendizaje
El objetivo de este trabajo era valorar el impacto de los métodos centrados en el aprendizaje, implementados por cuatro profesores/as, en los estilos de aprendizaje de los alumnos de la asignatura de Procesos y Contextos Educativos en el Máster de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Valencia. También se pretendía analizar la valoración del alumnado sobre los métodos utilizados. La muestra fue de 117 estudiantes, que cursaban estos estudios durante el curso 2014-15, repartidos en cuatro grupos de cuatro especialidades diferentes. Se usó un diseño cuasiexperimental, con medidas de pretest/postest, mediante el cuestionario ILS (Learning Styles Inventory) de Vermunt (1994); además, el alu…