Henryk Parzentny
The influence of the wind direction and plants on the variability of topsoil magnetic susceptibility in industrial and urban areas of southern Poland
Volume magnetic susceptibility (κ) was measured on the soil surface and in the vertical topsoil profile within a 300 km2 area located in an urban-industrial conurbation. The results were compared to plant species compositions in the forest storeys, elevation above sea level, and terrain geomorphology. The content and mineral composition of the magnetic fraction were determined in the soil horizons. It was found that the extent of the area with enhanced topsoil magnetic susceptibility was similar to the dominant wind direction (south–west). Enhanced κ values were observed for the soil at the forest margin on the leeward side of the emitters as well as at sites located on exposed local elevat…
Spatial variation of soil magnetic susceptibility in relation to different emission sources in southern Poland
Abstract The study in the area surrounding the Rybnik urban agglomeration (southern Poland) was conducted to determine the influence of various emission sources on the occurrence of local magnetic anomalies observed in the forest topsoils. For this reason field measurement of volume-specific magnetic susceptibility (κ) was conducted in forest topsoil on the area of study. The measurements were performed twice: directly on the surface and after removal of forest litter to see the influence of the litter on the magnetic signal measured on the soil surface. The maps of surface distribution of κ value revealed that magnetic anomalies were observed 2.0 km around the residential areas dominated b…