O. Perdereau

A measurement of the decay KL→π0γγ

Abstract The full data set of the experiment NA31 at CERN has been used to analyse the decay mode KL→π0γγ. A signal of 63 events has been observed with an estimated background of 6.0±1.7 events, corresponding to a branching ratio of (1.7±0.3)×10−6 consistent with our previous result based on partial statistics. The invariant mass spectrum of the two photons is found to be consistent with chiral perturbation theory, and the decay is dominated by the J = 0 two photon state.

research product

Measurement of the K-S mean lifetime from pi(+)pi(-) and pi(0)pi(0) decays using K-L decays to determine the acceptance

A precision measurement of the KS mean lifetime has been performed by comparing, in the same experimental setup, the distributions of two-pion decays of neutral kaons produced by high energy proton-beryllium interactions in two targets at a relative distance variable between 112 and 160 m. The value obtained combining the results from π+π- and π0π0 decays is τS = (0.8971 ± 0.0021) 10-10 s. © Springer-Verlag 1997.

research product

Observation of the decay KL→π0γγ

Abstract The decay mode K L → π 0 γγ has been observed with a signal of 21 events and an expected background of 1.5±0.9 events. A branching ratio for decays with invariant γγ masses above 280 MeV of (2.1±0.6)×10 −6 is calculated. This result is compared with the values estimated from theoretical models and has implications for the CP conserving contribution to K L → π 0 e + e − decay.

research product

Measurement of the decay KL→e+e−γγ

The full data set of the NA31 experiment at CERN has been used to analyse the decay mode KOL → e+ e-γγ. A signal of 47 events has been observed with an estimated background of 6.9 events. The total number of kaon decays in the decay volume was determined to be (2.1 ± 0.1stat) · 109. This corresponds to a branching ratio of (8.0 ± 1.5+1.4-1.2)· 10-7. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

research product

Measurement of the branching ratio of the double Dalitz decayK L →e+e−e+e− and the CP parity of theK L -meson

Data from the NA31 experiment at CERN have been used to measure the branching ratio of the double Dalitz decay of the long-lived neutral kaon. Eight events have been found with negligible background. The measured distribution of the angle between the planes of the two e+e--pairs favours a CP=-1 state for the long-lived neutral kaon. © 1995 Springer-Verlag.

research product

A test of chiral perturbation theory from the measurement of the decay KS → γγ

Data from NA31 experiment at CERN have been used to measure the decay KS → γγ. From 69 candidate events of the type K0 → γγ, 52 events can be attributed to KL → γγ and one event is expected from background processes. The ratio of the relative decay widths R = Γ(KS → γγ)Γ(KL → γγ) is measured to be R = 2.2 ± 1.0(stat.) ± 0.3(syst.) ± 0.2(ext.) where the external systematic error is due to the experimental uncertainty in the branching ratio of the decay KL → γγ. This translates into a branching ratio of BR(KS → γγ) = (2.2 ± 1.1) × 10−6. If these data are combined with the published data from an earlier data taking period with the same experiment, the ratio R is determined to be R = 2.35 ± 0.7…

research product

Search for the decay KL → 3γ

Abstract Data from the NA31 experiment at the CERN SPS have been used for the first search for the decay mode KL → 3γ. Seven events have been found with an estimated background of 6.7 ± 1.5 events. The corresponding upper limit for the branching ratio is Γ(K L → 3γ) Γ(K L → all ) = 2.4 × 10 −7 at the 90% confidence level, assuming a phase-space decay distribution.

research product

Determination of the branching ratiosΓ(K L→3π0)/Γ(K L→π+ - 0) andΓ(K L→3π0)/Γ(K L→πev)

Improved branching ratios were measured for theKL→3π0 decay in a neutral beam at the CERN SPS with the NA31 detector: $$\Gamma ({\rm K}_L \to 3\pi ^0 )/\Gamma ({\rm K}_L \to \pi ^ + \pi ^ - \pi ^0 ) = 1.611 \pm 0.037$$ and $$\Gamma ({\rm K}_L \to 3\pi ^0 )/\Gamma ({\rm K}_L \to \pi ev) = 0.545 \pm 0.010.$$ From the first number an upper limit for ΔI=5/2 and ΔI=7/2 transitions in neutral kaon decay is derived. Using older results for the Ke3/Kμ3 fraction, the 3π0 branching ratio is found to beΓ(K L →3π0)/Γ tot =(0.211±0.003), about a factor three more precise than from previous experiments.

research product

Observation of the decay KLO→ e+e−ep+e−

Abstract Two events with the characteristic of the decay K L O → e + e − e − have been observed with a negligible expected background from which a branching ratio of (4±3)×10 −8 is derived. This result is consistent with values estimated from theoretical models based on the double internal conventional of the decay K L O → γγ .

research product

A new measurement of direct CP violation in the neutral kaon system

A new measurement of the ratio of the CP-violating amplitudes for $K_{L} \to 2\pi^{0}$ and $K_{L} \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ is reported. The measured value for $\Re = |\eta_{00} / \eta_{ +-}|^{2}$ is $0.9878 \pm 0.0026 \pm 0.0030$, where the first error is the statistical uncertainty and the second is the estimate of the systematic uncertainty. This gives a value for the parameter describing direct CP violation: $\Re$ $\epsilon'/\epsilon = (2.0 \pm 0.7) \times 10^{−3}$ .

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