Marianne Rohrbach
Outcome of patients with classical infantile pompe disease receiving enzyme replacement therapy in Germany
Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has been shown to improve outcome in classical infantile Pompe disease. The purpose of this study was to assess mortality, morbidity, and shortcomings of ERT in a larger cohort of patients treated outside clinical trials. To accomplish this, we retrospectively analyzed the data of all 23 subjects with classical infantile Pompe disease having started ERT in Germany between January 2003 and December 2010.Ten patients (43%) deceased and four others (17%) became ventilator dependent. Seven infants (30.5%) made no motor progress at all, while seven (30.5%) achieved free sitting, and nine (39%) gained free walking. Besides all the seven patients (100%) attaining n…
Increase in left ventricular mass index and acroparesthesia incidence in children with Fabry disease correlates with their GLA mutation
Measuring patient experiences in Fabry disease: validation of the Fabry-specific Pediatric Health and Pain Questionnaire (FPHPQ)
Abstract Introduction Common symptoms for children with Anderson-Fabry Disease (FD) such as acroparaesthesia and gastrointestinal manifestations can only be objectively assessed in patients using a valid instrument. To date, no such instrument exists. Methods A preliminary 40-item measure of symptoms and experience with FD, the Fabry-specific Paediatric Health and Pain Questionnaire (FPHPQ) was developed, but lacked a formal assessment of its measurement properties. The FPHPQ was used in the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS), a registry for all patients with a confirmed diagnosis of FD who are receiving agalsidase alfa, or are treatment naïve and who are managed by physicians participating in FOS.…
Miglustat in patients with Niemann-Pick disease Type C (NP-C): A multicenter observational retrospective cohort study
Miglustat has been shown to stabilize disease progression in children, juveniles and adults with Niemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C), a rare genetic disorder characterized by progressive neurological deterioration. We report findings from a retrospective observational cohort study assessing the effects of miglustat on neurological disease progression in patients treated in the clinical practice setting. Data from all NP-C patients prescribed miglustat at 25 expert centers were evaluated using a disease disability scale. The scale analyzed four key parameters of neurological disease progression in NP-C (ambulation, manipulation, language, swallowing). Mean individual parameter scores and a co…
100. A multicentre retrospective survey of miglustat in patients with Niemann-Pick type C disease
Diagnostik und Therapie des Morbus Pompe im Kindesalter
Pompe disease is a rare metabolic myopathy caused by deficiency of lysosomal α-glucosidase. Reduced enzyme activity results in abnormal intra- and extralysosomal glycogen deposition as well as impaired cellular function and autophagy. Age at manifestation and severity of disease depend on residual enzyme activity. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is available since 2006. In infantile onset Pompe disease, the most severe form, markedly prolonged survival has resulted in a new phenotype with symptoms and problems not encountered previously. In addition, it became apparent that antibody formation against the recombinant human enzyme may adversely affect the response to ERT. This review summari…