Stefano Rizzuto

Use of platelet concentrate gel in second-intention wound healing: a case report.

Abstract Background Wound healing is a complex and dynamic process. Healing of acute and chronic wounds can be impaired by patient factors (that is, comorbidities) and/or wound factors (that is, infection). Regenerative medicine products, such as autologous/homologous platelet-rich plasma gel, may speed up the healing process. Autologous/homologous platelet-rich plasma is an advanced wound therapy used for hard-to-heal acute and chronic wounds. The cytokines and growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma play a crucial role in the healing process. Case presentation A 61-year-old Caucasian male patient, suffering from mental retardation following meningitis, with a transplanted kidney …

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Il diabete mellito di tipo 2 (DM2) è una malattia molto comune nell’età geriatrica: in Italia ne soffre oltre il 20% della popolazione ultrasettantacinquenne. L’ipoglicemia è un effetto collaterale indotto dai farmaci finora più utilizzati per la terapia del DM2 e può causare danni fisi-ci, psicologici e sociali. Il rischio di ipoglicemia è dovuto all’uso di sulfaniluree/glinidi e d’insulina, a ragione del loro caratteristico meccanismo d’azione. Con l’aumentare dell’età i sintomi dell’ipoglicemia possono ridursi d’intensità e presentarsi con caratteristiche differenti. La mancanza di studi clinici sull’ipoglicemia nell’anziano rende difficoltosa la stima dell’incidenza della stessa nella p…

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Skip metastases to lateral cervical lymph nodes in differentiated thyroid cancer: a systematic review.

Abstract Papillary thyroid carcinoma is a slow-growing cancer with a generally good prognosis that sometimes have an aggressive behaviour. Metastases to neck lymph nodes is the first step of the diffusion. The central neck compartment is involved most commonly. The ipsilateral lateral neck compartments are usually involved afterwards, and the involvement of the contralateral one is considered a quite rare occurrence. In more rare cases, metastases to lateral neck compartment without central lymph node metastasis (so called “skip metastases”) could be observed. Aim of this literature review study is to analyse the average incidence, pattern and risk factors of this occurrence. This study was…

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