Power Loading-Induced Fatigue is Influenced by Menstrual Cycle Phase
Purpose To examine the effects of fatiguing power-loading on neuromuscular properties, force production, and metabolic capacities during four phases of the menstrual cycle (MC); menstruation (M), mid-follicular (mid FOL), ovulation (OV), and mid-luteal (mid LUT). Methods Sixteen eumenorrheic women performed sessions of maximal explosive leg press (2x10 at 60%1RM load with 2 min recovery between sets). Serum hormones and neuromuscular responses were measured. Results The loading protocol significantly decreased power (between -14.2% and -12.5%; p < 0.001) and maximal force production (between MVC; -15.0% and -7.8%; p < 0.001–0.05), while decreasing activation level (between AL; -6.9% and -2.…