Modulation of alcohol consumption using an operant self-administration paradigm: effects of a new dopamine aminoacidic conjugate, Phenylalanine-β(3,4dihydroxyphenyl)-etilamide.
Rewarding and reinforcing properties of alcohol have been shown to be mediated by activation of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system. Experimental evidences suggest that mesolimbic dopamine system is hypofunctional in addicted brain; further, reduced dopaminergic activity outlasts somatic signs of withdrawal and may drive craving and relapse. Boosting strategy on dopaminergic neurons could represent a valid therapy. Effects of pharmacological manipulation of brain Dopaminergic receptors by a new dopamine conjugate, Phenylalanine-β(3,4dihydroxyphenyl)-etilamide (DA-Phen), on operant behaviour and on both acute and prolonged withdrawal symptoms during ethanol abstinence have been evaluated. Mal…