Juliette Young

Learning from participatory approaches aiming to manage conflicts with large predators

research product

Conservation and people: Towards an ethical code of conduct for the use of camera traps in wildlife research

International audience; Abstract 1. Camera trapping is a widely employed tool in wildlife research, used to estimate animal abundances, understand animal movement, assess species richness and understand animal behaviour. In addition to images of wild animals, research cameras often record human images, inadvertently capturing behaviours ranging from innocuous actions to potentially serious crimes. 2. With the increasing use of camera traps, there is an urgent need to reflect on how researchers should deal with human images caught on cameras. On the one hand, it is important to respect the privacy of individuals caught on cameras, while, on the other hand, there is a larger public duty to re…

research product

Social scientific perspectives on the understanding and management of conflicts between humans about wildlife

Conflicts between people over wildlife and its management can be very acute, withnegative impacts on livelihoods, relationships, wellbeing and conservation. There is muchwe can learn from social sciences both in the better understanding of conflicts in terms ofwho the actors are, what their values, attitudes, goals and positions are, and the contextwithin which the conflicts occur, but also in testing out, evaluating and implementingapproaches for the management of conflicts. In this talk, I will start with an overview ofwhen and how social sciences can feed into conflict science, before outlining examplesfrom a range of different contexts, including the return of wolves in Italy, a One Hea…

research product

Delivering sustainable agriculture through transformational conflict science

research product

Sustainable agriculture: Recognizing the potential of conflict as a positive driver for transformative change

International audience; Transformative changes in agriculture at multiple scales are needed to ensure sustainability, i.e. achieving food security while fostering social justice and environmental integrity. These transformations go beyond technological fixes and require fundamental changes in cognitive, relational, structural and functional aspects of agricultural systems. However, research on agricultural transformations fails to engage deeply with underlying social aspects such as differing perceptions of sustainability, uncertainties and ambiguities, politics of knowledge, power imbalances and deficits in democracy. In this paper, we suggest that conflict is one manifestation of such und…

research product

Understanding and managing conservation conflicts

research product

Protection de la ressource en eau du bassin de l’Auxerrois et transformation des pratiques agricoles

Avec des taux de nitrates dépassant les seuils définis par la Directive européenne « nitrates », puis la présence de résidus de pesticides utilisés par les activités agricoles du secteur, l’eau des bassins d’alimentation de captages de l’Auxerrois fait l’objet de préoccupations depuis une trentaine d’année. C’est ainsi qu’à la fin des années 1990, les représentants des pouvoirs publics ont choisi de mettre en place une démarche préventive passant par un travail de transformation des pratiques agricoles. Notre article analyse comment la prise en charge collective de cette situation participe à la configuration des relations entre représentants des pouvoirs publics, agriculteurs et défenseurs…

research product

Exploring the potential of co-designed landscapes to promote biological pest control

research product

Understanding food system transformation through transdisciplinary methodologies

research product

Transformation of agricultural landscapes in the Anthropocene: Nature's contributions to people, agriculture and food security

Fil: Vanbergen, Adam J. Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté. AgroSup Dijon. Agroécologie. Francia. Fil: Aizen, Marcelo A. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Rio Negro, Argentina. Fil: Aizen, Marcelo A. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Rio Negro, Argentina. Fil: Cordeau, Stephane. Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté. AgroSup Dijon. Agroécologie. Francia. Fil: Garibaldi, Lucas A. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural. Río Negro, Argentina. Fil: Ga…

research product

Moving towards sustainable agriculture through transformational conflict science OR Why is it so hard to transform agriculture?

Agriculture provides essential goods and services supporting human wellbeing, but in a changing world there is a need to transition to sustainable food production systems, as highlighted in recent assessments such as IPBES, and policies including the CAP. This process, however, creates conflicts between actors with different views on how best to achieve such a transition. Reframing the agricultural crisis as a conflict offers the potential for achieving innovative and sustainable solutions, implying fundamental changes in 1) individual perceptions of the conflict, 2) the approaches used to mitigate conflict, and 3) the relationship between people in conflict. We present a novel transformati…

research product

Comprendre les insectes pollinisateurs et leurs fonctions écologiques

Apidays®, fête des abeillesLa ville de Dijon, Dijon métropole et le Jardin de l’Arquebuse vous invitent à célébrer les abeilles et autres insectes pollinisateurs. Cette année, ils font le BUZZ au Jardin et sont les bienvenus en ville !C’est dans ce magnifique écrin de verdure, détenteur du label Écojardin pour son exemplarité, que le Jardin de l’Arquebuse met en lumière, grâce à leur présence, les nombreux acteurs locaux « biodiversité » agissant au quotidien en faveur des pollinisateurs afin de nous interpeler sur le rôle essentiel de ces insectes dans notre environnement.Plus de 25 stands, ateliers, animations, expositions pour vous informer, tout en vous divertissant, sur l’univers fasci…

research product

What does the science say? The diversity of methods to synthesize knowledge

Effective, unbiased and transparent methods of knowledge synthesis are a crucial element of science-policy-society interactions. A vast and rapidly expanding body of knowledge is relevant to many policy decisions. This includes scientific knowledge, technical know-how and experiential knowledge held by experts, and indigenous and local knowledge. Synthesizing knowledge within timescales relevant to policy makers is a real challenge, but many methods are now available to do so. We have identified 21 knowledge synthesis methods that could be used to answer questions from policymakers or other stakeholders [1]. It is not an exhaustive list, but those we consider most useful for current science…

research product