Amit Aggarwal
Toluidine blue staining as an adjunctive tool for early diagnosis of dysplastic changes in the oral mucosa
Prognosis of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma depends on early diagnosis, despite advanced surgical techniques, the 5-year survival rate remains ~40-50%. Unfortunately, it is usually detected when it becomes symptomatic. This requires treatment which gives rise to a high rate of morbidity and mortality and, furthermore, early detection of oro-pharyngeal pre-malignant lesions is important to improve the survival rate and quality of life. Since dysplasia and in situ carcinoma contain much more DNA and RNA than the normal surrounding epithelium, the use of in vivo staining, by means of toluidine blue dye, is based on the fact that it is an acidophilic dye that selectively stains acidic ti…
Osteosarcoma of maxilla: a case report
Osteosarcoma is a common primary malignant bone tumor producing osteoid or bone. It occurs very infrequently in the jaws and comprises of 4% of the tumour number as compared to the osteosarcoma of the long bones. Os- teosarcoma of the maxilla is even rarer presenting with common clinical features of pain and swelling. This pre- sented case is a rare case of osteosarcoma of maxilla in a 21-year-old female patient. Diagnosis and pre-operative assessment was performed using a combination of intraoral periapical radiograph, occlusal radiograph, paranasal view and computed tomography (CT). CT revealed destruction of the walls of maxillary sinus and sunray type of ossification in the soft tissues…
Oral Myiasis: a review
Myiasis is the infestation of tissues, organs of living vertebrate, animals and humans by certain dipterans fly larvae which feed on the host’s tissues and body fluids, often causing extensive damage to the host tissues if left untreated. Oral Myiasis is a rare pathology and is associated with poor oral hygiene, alcoholism, senility, suppurating lesions, severe halitosis. It arises from invasion of body tissues or cavities of living animals by maggots or larvae of certain species of flies. It occurs in tropical areas with poor living conditions and insufficient public and personal hygiene. Mouth-breathing during sleep, alcoholism, mental handicap, cerebral palsy and hemiplegia may facilitat…
The prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in the patients visiting a dental school in Northern India in relation to sex, site and distribution: A retrospective study.
Objective: To determine the distribution of oro-mucosal lesions in patients of Maharishi Markendeshwer College of Dental Sciences and Research, (MMCDSR), Mullana. Further to identify sex predilection and different sites which are more susceptible to different oro-mucosal lesions. Materials and methods: A hospital based retrospective study was carried out from 1st January 2007 till 31st December 2009 at (MMCDSR), Mullana. A total of 451 biopsy reports were studied. Distribution and prevalence of oro-mucosal lesions among the data were analyzed using SPSS software package version 13. Results: There was no mention of habits in the biopsy reports of 85.4 % (385 patients) of the subjects. Out of…