M. Marrale
Dosimetric verification of stereotactic head treatments performed with Helical Tomotherapy using alanine dosimeters and gafchromic films
Trans-cranial Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused UltraSound (tcMRgFUS) system integrated with a 1.5T: an SNR study on DQA phantoms
Background: In recent years transcranial Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (tcMRgFUS) treatments have been performed only using 3T units. Since following some internal analysis, planning images obtained using a 1.5T MRI’s body RF coil (as usually done with 3T systems) showed generally reasonable quality in terms of anatomy visualization and SNR but thermal images noise was above acceptable standard for treatments, a dedicated 2-channels head coil was developed (InSightec Ltd.) to ensure an adequate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Hence, we present the imaging protocol and the technological methods successfully used with the world-first installation of a certified tcMRgFUS sy…
Phenol compounds as new materials for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance dosimetry in clinical photon and electron beams,
In the last decades several research laboratories have shown an increasing interest aimed at extending the applicability of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) dosimetry to radiotherapy with different types of radiation beams. EPR is a spectroscopic method for investigating the structure and dynamics of such paramagnetic species. Free radicals are known to be produced when a compound is irradiated with ionizing radiations. The concentration of radiation-induced free radicals is proportional to the energy released inside in the medium and this allows for dosimetric measurements through EPR technique. The use of alanine as a dosimetric material gave the possibility to apply EPR spectroscopy…
Characterization of phenolic pellets for ESR dosimetry in photon beam radiotherapy.
We report a study of the dosimetric features of phenolic compounds for applications in radiation therapy dosimetry of clinical photon beams by using ESR spectroscopy. After the optimization of the ESR readout parameters, basic dosimetric properties (such as intra-batch reproducibility, dose-response, sensitivity, linearity, dose rate dependence, tissue-equivalence and signal stability) of laboratory-made phenolic dosimeters in form of pellets were investigated. Furthermore, these dosimeters were tested for measuring the depth dose profile of a 6 MV clinical photon beam. The results reported show that these dosimeters are promising materials for ESR dosimetric applications in radiation thera…
Analysis of signal-to-noise ratio for a 2-channels coil developed to enable transcranial Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (tcMRgFUS) with 1.5 T MRI scanners
Thalamic parcellation for target identification in trans-cranial MR-guided Focused UltraSound (tcMRgFUS) thalamotomies: a preliminary probabilistc tractography study
Background: Trans-cranial MR-guided Focused UltraSound (tcMRgFUS) allows a neurofunctional exploration of thalamic nuclei to confirm and optimize the target before inducing a permanent brain lesion. However, the choice of the target is based on stereotactic coordinates that do not take into account the anatomical variability of each single patient. Thus, the optimization of the treatment target is based on the patient's feedback during lower power sonications. The aim of this work is to retrospectively evaluate the possible role of thalamic parcellation for the identification of the intermediate ventral nucleus (VIM) in patients undergoing tcMRgFUS. Materials and Methods: A 1.5T MR scanner …
Comparison of EPR response of pure alanine and alanine with gadolinium dosimeters exposed to TRIGA Mainz reactor
The development of Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) for cancer treatments has stimulated the research for beam characterization in order to optimize the therapy procedures. The NCT has found to be promising for treatments of tumours which hardly can be treated with other techniques, such as gliomas. Alongside with the improvements of this technique, the development of procedures for the beam characterization arouses great interest in order to optimize the therapy protocol by reliably determining the various (neutronic and photonic) components of the mixed beam usually employed for therapy. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) dosimetry for electron and photon beams with alanine has attracted …
Misure preliminari su scanner MRI 7T di stabilità nel tempo di Dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke
L’ottimizzazione delle procedure che utilizzano radiazioni ionizzanti in campo medico costituisce un elemento chiave per la sicurezza del paziente e l’esito dei trattamenti radioterapici. In particolare è fondamentale arrecare il minor danno possibile ai tessuti sani circostanti la neoplasia da trattare (Attix, 2004). La misurazione precisa della dose somministrata nei tessuti e la sua mappatura in tre dimensioni sono di fondamentale importanza in termini di riuscita e di pianificazione dei trattamenti radioterapici (Khan, 2009). In questo lavoro sono presentate le misure preliminari effettuate per testare la stabilità temporale di dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke tramite scanner pre-clinico 7T…
Caratterizzazione dosimetrica della facility a neutroni termici del reattore TRIGA di Pavia: studio della dose da fotoni mediante rivelatori ESR di alanina
The optimization of the procedures of Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) for cancer treatments involves research for beam characterization. One major issue for this therapy is the reliable dosimetric determination of the various (neutronic and photonic) components of the employed beam. In particular, the precise and accurate measurements of the gamma photon component is fundamental for evaluating the risks to healthy tissues hit by the mixed field. Among solid state dosimeters the alanine detectors read by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) technique present several advantages such as: tissue equivalence for photon and electron beams, linearity of its dose-response over a wide range, high sta…
Determinazione della componente gamma nella colone termica del reattore TRIGA di Pavia tramite Dosimetri ESR di alanina
Negli ultimi anni il crescente interesse verso la radioterapia a cattura neutronica (internazionalmente nota come Neutron Capture Therapy - NCT) per il trattamento di neoplasie ha stimolato diverse attività di ricerca finalizzate alla caratterizzazione del fascio utilizzato e all'ottimizzazione delle procedure radioterapiche. Tra i vari sistemi dosimetrici trovano largo impiego i rivelatori a stato solido ESR (Risonanza di Spin Elettronico) a base di alanina che presentano diversi vantaggi come la tessuto equivalenza, la linearità della risposta in un ampio intervallo di dose, l'elevata stabilità dei radicali liberi radioindotti, la non distruttività della lettura del dosimetro e il basso c…
Transcranial Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (tcMRgFUS) at 1.5T: this is how we do it
Aims and objectives Methods and materials Results Conclusion Personal information References
New Fricke gel with high sensitivity and low diffusion for 3D-MRI dosimetry
Analisi critica delle curve di rilassamento in materiali lapidei provenienti da beni culturali.
EPR surveys on modern and ancient woods.
Calcolo dei livelli di dose gamma e dei livelli di radon dovuta ai materiali da costruzione
La radioattività delle famiglie di radionuclidi naturali contenuti nei materiali da costruzione è responsabile in una certa misura dell'equivalente di dose riferibile al fondo naturale delle radiazioni. Tale radioattività contribuisce a due fattori di dose: la dose gamma esterna e la dose alfa interna legata all'introduzione e all'accumulo del radon nonché ad un contributo dovuto all’inalazione di polveri nelle quali le concentrazioni dei capostipiti naturali sono alte. I materiali da costruzione sono la sorgente principale del rateo di dose gamma nelle abitazioni. Tutti gli edifici in pietra contengono nuclei radioattivi come 226Ra, 232Th e 40K. É noto che i livelli di radon sono legati al…
Dating of Brazilian shells through electron paramagnetic resonance
In the present work we report dating procedure of these shells by using the electron paramagnetic resonance. The first step of the analysis was the definition of the optimal procedure for sample preparation. At this aim the analysis of the sample composition was carried out by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurements and an accurate analysis was study on the effect of the chemical etching with varying typology and concentration of acid to be used for removing the external layer of shells which are affected by alpha particles.
Toward integrated diagnostics for porous materials by means of traditional techniques and NMR: a national network of laboratories
Diffusion coefficient of PVA Fricke gel dosimeters
Fricke gel dosimeters based on various matrix has been studied for a long time as 3D dosimetric system for radiotherapy. Selfoxidation and loss of spatial resolution due to diffusion have been the main issues that have impaired the affirmation of this technique so far. As part of an Italian nation-wide research program, we were interested in develop new gel formulations that are simple, reproducible and non toxic. We studied the one dimensional diffusion coefficient of Fe3+ ions inside Fricke gel dosimeters based on a matrix of PVA cross-linked with a di-aldehyde. With a spectrophotometer equipped with a moving tray we were able to collect absorbance measurements at different positions of t…
Dosimetric analysis of phenolic solid state pellets exposed to radio-therapeutic photon and electron beams through electron spin resonance technique
Analisi dei vetri di orologi tramite risonanza paramagnetica elettronica (EPR) e termoluminescenza (TL) per dosimetria retrospettiva
Negli ultimi anni è cresciuto il rischio di esposizioni radiologiche non controllate della popolazione, sia a causa di incidenti associati ad applicazioni industriali e mediche delle radiazioni ionizzanti sia in seguito ad incidenti legati all’abbandono o alla dismissione di sorgenti ma anche ad un uso criminale di materiale radioattivo [1–3]. Gli effetti biologici prodotti dalle radiazioni ionizzanti dipendono fortemente dalla quantità di energia impartita per unità di massa (dose assorbita) [4]. Pertanto, nell’ambito di un incidente radiologico, disporre di procedure di ricostruzione della dose assorbita da un individuo può contribuire oltre che ad identificare i membri della popolazione …
This study focused on the battlements of the Tower of Palazzo Alliata Pietratagliata in Palermo, which is one of the most important examples of late medieval civil architecture in Sicily. The battlements are made by biocalcarenite and currently affected by a strong desegregation. In order to first characterize the stone some tests have been carried out on small samples collected in situ: chemical and morphological analysis through X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical polarized light microscopy (PLM), determination of total soluble salt content by measuring the conductivity and dosage of the anions and determination of the dimensional distribution of the pores. T…
Indagini EPR su legni moderni e antichi.
Nuovi composti fenolici per la dosimetria a risonanza di spin elettronico (ESR) in campo misto neutroni-gamma
Dosimetry to Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) using organic compounds (alanine and ammonium tartrate) for mixed neutron-gamma fields
Alongside with the development of Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) and the use of thermal neutrons for radiotherapeutic purposes, many efforts have been devoted to the characterization of the beam in order to optimize therapy procedures. Reliable dose measurements should be able to determine the various (neutrons and photonic) components of the mixed beam usually employed for therapy. This paper studies the effect of additives such as Boric and Gadolinium nuclei on the sensitivity of neutron organic (alanine and ammonium tartrate) dosimeters analyzed through Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technique. These dosimeters were exposed to a mixed (neutron-gamma) field mainly composed of thermal neutro…
Caratterizzazione del campo misto neutroni-gamma nella colonna termica del reattore TRIGA di Pavia tramite attivazione neutronica e rivelatori ad alanina
PVA-GTA Fricke gel dosimeters exposed to clinical photons beams: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry and Imaging
Fricke Gel (FXGs) dosimetric system is based on the radiation induced oxidation of ferrous to ferric ions. The application of Fricke gels for ionizing radiation dosimetry is continuously increasing worldwide due to their many favorable properties. However, one of their shortcomings is that ferrous and ferric ions diffuse in the gel matrix. To maintain the spatial integrity of the dose distribution, Fricke gels must be undergoing measurement within a few hours of their irradiation, so that ferric ions remain close to their point of production. Thus, the spatial integrity of the dose distribution in the Fricke gel is maintained (Schreiner, 2015). The gel matrix also contributes to the oxidati…
Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis of the brain of pathological gamblers
Purpose . Gambling disorder has been recently reclassified under the category ‘‘substance-related and addictive disorders”. Recent studies performed through functional MRI (fMRI) have shown that the perseverance of some behaviors can alter brain activation [1,2]. In this work we aim at investigating functional connectivity changes in pathological gamblers (PGs) in comparison to healthy controls (HCs) by means of resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI). Methods and materials. Thirteen HCs and fourteen PGs were recruited (all right handed males; drugs free; mean age 36 ± 10 yrs). All acquisitions were performed through a 1,5 T MRI scanner using a 8-channels phased-array …
Uso della spettroscopia ESR per la caratterizzazione di composti fenolici irradiati con fasci clinici di fotoni ed elettroni
In the last decades several research laboratories have shown an increasing interest aimed at extending the applicability of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dosimetry to radiotherapy with different types of radiation beams. ESR is a spectroscopic method for investigating the structure and dynamics of such paramagnetic species. Free radicals are known to be produced when a compound is irradiated with ionizing radiations. The concentration of radiation-induced free radicals is proportional to the energy released inside in the medium and this allows for dosimetric measurements through ESR technique which able to quantitatively determine the radical concentration. The use of alanine as a dosimetri…