Daniel Derivois


Les soignants d’hôpitaux habitant et travaillant aux frontières turco-syriennes sont aussi des migrants ou des réfugiés syriens. Comme la population sinistrée, ils exercent leur activité professionnelle au rythme de la guerre et nécessitent également un accompagnement. Dans le cadre de l’Unité psychosociale d’une ONG internationale, un soutien psychologique en visio-conférence est proposé aux soignants en Syrie et en Turquie. Cet article propose un commentaire et une réflexion clinique sur le quotidien de ces soignants, leur santé mentale, ainsi que sur leurs mécanismes de survie psychiques, groupaux et culturels. Quatre vignettes cliniques sont commentées et discutées pour comprendre la co…

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Psychological support for children who are victims of abuse in Cambodia: Culture as a developmental tool of traumatic experience

When psychologists step in the humanitarian field, they are confronted with cultural and language issues during their intervention. The way of expressing trauma is deeply linked with the cultural background, thus it should guide and shape the psychological support to make it more appropriate. Within a Khmer NGO, we have set up a psychological support based on different sorts of mediation. Our patients were eight children with the same set of symptoms: recurrence and massive anxiety, most of the time appearing through animist cultural representations. In this article, we will first present the situation of Bonat, witness of domestic violence and of his mother’s death, and then the situation …

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Accompagner le déménagement des mineurs non accompagnés : une étude exploratoire en protection de l’enfance

Resume Objectifs Cet article vise a mettre en evidence les caracteristiques des trajectoires de jeunes mineurs non accompagnes, avant, pendant et apres la migration, et d’identifier les tuteurs de resilience qui leur permettent un accrochage aux nouveaux environnements et la possibilite de maintenir une continuite dans leurs histoires. Il montre la necessite d’accompagner leur demenagement. Methode A partir de donnees cliniques et institutionnelles issues d’examens psychologiques et de dossiers de 16 mineurs non accompagnes, 6 analyseurs sont utilises pour les traiter : antecedents traumatiques, raisons du depart, conditions de la traversee, conditions d’arrivee, parcours depuis l’arrivee, …

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Psychometric properties of the Haitian Creole version of the Resilience Scale with a sample of adult survivors of the 2010 earthquake

Abstract Background Resilience is defined as the ability of people to cope with disasters and significant life adversities. The present paper aims to investigate the underlying structure of the Creole version of the Resilience Scale and its psychometric properties using a sample of adult survivors of the 2010 earthquake. Methods A parallel analysis was conducted to determine the number of factors to extract and confirmatory factor analysis was performed using a sample of 1355 adult survivors of the 2010 earthquake from people of specific places where earthquake occurred with an average age of 31.57 (SD = 14.42). All participants completed the Creole version of Resilience Scale (RS), the Imp…

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Cultural risk factors of suicidal behavior among adolescents in Kazakhstan

Youth suicide is becoming a serious problem in Kazakhstan. According to UNICEF reports, the risk of suicidal behavior among adolescents (15-19 years) in Kazakhstan is three times higher than in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Despite the urgency of the problem, there are currently no psychological studies of the causes of suicide. In this article, we identify several cultural and historical factors and associated risks that, in our opinion, should be considered in the study of the growth of adolescent suicide in Kazakhstan.

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Multiple traumas and resilience among street children in Haiti: Psychopathology of survival

Abstract In Haiti, as in several developing countries, the phenomenon of street children has become a major public health issue. These children are often victims of traumas and adverse life events. This article aimed to investigate traumas experienced by street children and their coping and resilience strategies used to deal with adversities in a logic of survival, relying on a mixed method approach. A group of 176 street children, aged 7–18 (n = 21 girls), recruited in Port-au-Prince, completed measures assessing PTSD, social support and resilience. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to document traumatic experiences, factors related to resilience and coping strategies. After perfor…

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Prevalence and correlates of depression during the COVID-19 pandemic and the major role of stigmatization in low- and middle-income countries: A multinational cross-sectional study

Highlights • There are significant differences on the prevalence of depression between the four LMICs. • Stigmatization related to COVID-19, but not exposure to COVID-19 was the strongest predictor of depression. • Resilience was a protective factor for DR Congo and Togo. • Younger age, gender (female), and exposure and stigmatization related to Covid-19, and resilience were associated with depression in the pooled data.

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Migrations, trauma and mental health: A literature update on psychological assessment

Introduction Migrants and refugees often face potentially traumatic events and post-migratory stressors. Upon arrival in the host country, they can be referred to mental health services to assess the impact of their previous experiences. These cross-cultural clinical encounters may raise questions, particularly regarding the assessment of mental health using models based on Western conceptions of psychopathology. Objectives and method The objective of the present non-systematic review of the literature is to discuss the psychological evaluation of post-traumatic reactions in migrants and refugees. More specifically, we present current research on psychopathology, resilience and post-traumat…

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Prevalence and determinants of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression symptoms in street children survivors of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, four years after.

International audience; Working with street children and adolescents who lived through the 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince, this paper aims to assess the prevalence of symptoms of PTSD, anxiety and depression in relation to peritraumatic distress, and age, and to explore other risk factors and socio-demographic characteristics, four years after the events. Between March and June 2014, with a sample of 128 children and adolescents (120 boys and 8 girls) aged between 7 and 18, of an average age of 13.88 (SD = 2.15), all living on the streets of Port-au-Prince, we used the following scales: the Trauma Exposure (TE), the Life Events Subscale of the CAPS; the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory (…

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L’évaluation psychologique en situation transculturelle : une révision de la littérature

Resume Les divers mouvements de deplacement humains nous poussent un peu plus chaque jour a nous rencontrer et a relever les defis que nous proposent les echanges avec l’Autre culturellement different. Dans le champ de la psychologie, l’evaluation psychologique fait partie de l’une des interrogations princeps puisque centrale de nos prises en charges quotidiennes. Considerant que la plupart des tests et manuels diagnostiques ont ete developpes dans le contexte occidental, l’application de ces outils a d’autres populations reste controversee. Cette revision de la litterature a comme but de decrire l’etat des connaissances actuelles sur l’examen psychologique en situation transculturelle. Plu…

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Psychometric properties of the Resilience Scale - 14 in a sample of college students from France.

Abstract Introduction In recent years, the integration of resilience in several psychological and medical studies underscores a need for resilience assessment measures with robust psychometric properties. This study aimed to evaluate the underlying structure of the French version of the Resilience Scale (RS-14), a widely used measure to assess resilience both in general and clinical population. Method A sample of 2195 college students from France (18.68% of male; Mean age = 20.09 years old (± 1.21) completed the RS-14, the Child and Youth Resilience Measure, the Social Support Questionnaire and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale. EFA with parallel analysis was conducted to assess the …

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Polyvictimization and Cybervictimization Among College Students From France: The Mediation Role of Psychological Distress and Resilience

Few studies have explored potential associations between polyvictimization and cybervictimization and even fewer have involved in college-age sample. As it has been shown in the literature, polyvictimization is associated with higher psychological distress and lower resilience. This study is aimed to model the association between polyvictimization and cybervictimization by testing the mediating role of psychological distress and resilience. The sample included 4,626 undergraduates from France. Participants completed questionnaires assessing cybervictimization, polyvictimization (emotional abuse from parents, exposure to interparental violence, parental neglect, unwanted sexual touching, an…

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Rejets de la mondialisation, rejetons de la mondialité : les mineurs non accompagnés entre deux mondes

Resume Dans les societes occidentales comme dans le systeme de la Protection de l’Enfance, les mineurs non accompagnes (MNA) representent a la fois les « rejets » de la mondialisation capitaliste et les « rejetons » de la mondialite humaine. Ils relevent du « syndrome de l’Aquarius » caracterise a la fois par la marchandisation des etres humains et l’offre d’humanite disponible dans le meme espace-temps. Leur traumatisme entre en resonance avec celui des societes d’accueil contraintes de revisiter leur Histoire traumatique avec l’alterite. La crise migratoire apparait alors comme un symptome qui met l’Europe et le monde face a un traumatisme identitaire generalise de longue duree dont les m…

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The aftermath of resilience in the global world.

Just as there is an aftermath of trauma, there is reason to think of an aftermath of resilience, different from the resilience capacities developed after a trauma. The aftermath of resilience reflects the ability to activate resilient memory in response to traumatic memory in order to rebuild oneself. This is a major challenge for the global mental health of our fragile societies. The challenge is significant for France, Europe and the world. Beyond the overuse of the word resilience in scientific literature and the media, it contributes to the methodology, epistemology and politics of resilience.

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The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Factorial Structure: Findings from a Multicultural Sample

Although several studies exploring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) factorial structure have been conducted, few of them have tested the ICD-11 and the DSM-5-based models in samples from low-in...

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Haiti Earthquake Trauma

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The Transcultural Community Resilience Scale: Psychometric Properties and Multinational Validity in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Few instruments assess community resilience. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the capacity of communities to support resilience of members deserves to be assessed to develop programs for improving mental health of affected populations. This article presents the development of the Transcultural-Community Resilience Scale (T-CRS), its underlying factorial structure and transcultural validity with a multilingual (English, French, Creole, Kinyarwanda), multinational (DR Congo, Haiti, Rwanda, Togo) and multicultural sample affected by this pandemic. A sample of 1,267 participants (40.9% women) were recruited in the four countries: DRC (n = 626, 43.4% women), Haiti (n = 225, 42.0% women), R…

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Migration experience and mental health: A qualitative study in France and Brazil

Background:The relationship between migration and mental health is complex and involves factors at different levels, as the individual history of the migrant, the collective history of their home country, the host society’s and their mutual past history. Even though the migratory scenario of France and Brazil has changed over the years, both countries currently host an important number of immigrants.Aim:The main objective of the present study was to describe and analyze the impacts of the migratory experience on mental health of migrants with different migration experiences and living in two countries: France and Brazil.Method:Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 participants, …

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Les tuteurs de résilience des enfants et adolescents vivant dans des camps à Port-au-Prince et dans les villes avoisinantes

Resume Dans le contexte de reconstruction durable d’Haiti suite au seisme du 12 janvier 2010, cette recherche analyse les processus de resilience et createurs des enfants et adolescents haitiens. Elle examine notamment le role de la famille, de l’ecole, des institutions de soin, des croyances, des reseaux associatifs, de l’Etat et de la communaute internationale dans l’emergence de ces processus. Ces strates sont considerees comme des moyens humains susceptibles d’aider a l’elaboration des vecus difficiles et a la reconstruction des etayages, la recherche vise principalement a reperer les tuteurs de resilience aupres des enfants et adolescents haitiens vivant dans des camps de Port-au-Princ…

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Frequency and correlates of anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and middle-income countries: A multinational study

Objective Studies have documented the significant direct and indirect psychological, social, and economic consequences of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in many countries but little is known on its impact in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) already facing difficult living conditions and having vulnerable health systems that create anxiety in individuals for themselves and their loved ones. Using a multinational convenience sample from four LMICs (DR Congo, Haiti, Rwanda, and Togo), this study aims to explore the prevalence of anxiety symptoms and associated risk and protective factors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A total of 1222 individuals (40.9% of women) complet…

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