Arantxa Cebrián Silla

The adult spinal cord harbors a population of GFAP-positive progenitors with limited self-renewal potential

Adult neural stem cells (aNSCs) of the forebrain are GFAP-expressing cells that are intercalated within ependymal cells of the subventricular zone (SVZ). Cells showing NSCs characteristics in vitro can also be isolated from the periaqueductal region in the adult spinal cord (SC), but contradicting results exist concerning their glial versus ependymal identity. We used an induci- ble transgenic mouse line (hGFAP-CreERT2) to conditionally label GFAP-expressing cells in the adult SVZ and SC periaque- duct, and directly and systematically compared their self-renewal and multipotential properties in vitro. We demonstrate that a population of GFAP1 cells that share the morphology and the antigeni…

research product

Age-Related Changes in Astrocytic and Ependymal Cells of the Subventricular Zone

Neurogenesis persists in the adult subventricular zone (SVZ) of the mammalian brain. During aging, the SVZ neurogenic capacity undergoes a progressive decline, which is attributed to a decrease in the population of neural stem cells (NSCs). However, the behavior of the NSCs that remain in the aged brain is not fully understood. Here we performed a comparative ultrastructural study of the SVZ niche of 2-month-old and 24-month-old male C57BL/6 mice, focusing on the NSC population. Using thymidine-labeling, we showed that residual NSCs in the aged SVZ divide less frequently than those in young mice. We also provided evidence that ependymal cells are not newly generated during senescence, as ot…

research product

Estructura nuclear y quiescencia en células madre neurales

La zona subventricular-ventricular (ZSV-V) es un extenso nicho neurogénico que contiene células madre neurales (astrocitos B) en las paredes de los ventrículos laterales del cerebro adulto de mamíferos. Las células del subtipo B1 han sido identificadas clásicamente como las verdaderas células madre, tienen un origen embrionario y se mantienen quiescentes hasta que se reactivan post-natalmente. En el presente estudio, mostramos que una subpoblación de células B de la ZSV-V presenta una estructura nuclear denominada “lámina de cromatina de la envoltura nuclear” (ELCS, del inglés envelope-limited chromatin sheets), previamente descrita en células normales y cancerosas. Esta estructura se carac…

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