Zh. T. Karipbayev

Temperature dependence of luminescence of LiF crystals doped with different metal oxides

Photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence of LiF crystals doped with different binary metal oxides were measured in the wide temperature range of 50-300 K and time interval of 10−8−10−1 s after the nanosecond electron excitation pulse. Both as-grown those and crystals irradiated by an electron beam in range of absorbed dose up to 103 Gy were studied. It is shown that spectral-kinetic characteristics of the luminescence depend on the absorbed dose (type of created/accumulated color centers), the irradiation temperature, the concentration of hydroxyl, which promotes incorporation of the MeO complex (Me: W, Ti, Fe, Li) into the crystal lattice, and the cation-dopants.

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Transition levels of acceptor impurities in ZnO crystals by DFT-LCAO calculations

This research was partly supported by the Kazakhstan Science Project № AP05134367«Synthesis of nanocrystals in track templates of SiO2/Si for sensory, nano-and optoelectronic applications» and Latvian Super Cluster (LASC), installed in the Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP) of the University of Latvia. Authors are indebted to D. Gryaznov, A. Popov and A. Dauletbekova for stimulating discussions.

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Time-resolved luminescence of YAG:Ce and YAGG:Ce ceramics prepared by electron beam assisted synthesis

Abstract The luminescence characteristics of YAG:Ce and YAGG:Ce ceramic phosphors produced by electron beam assisted synthesis have been investigated. The obtained emission and decay kinetics characteristics have been compared with those for commercial phosphors synthesized by conventional methods and showed good qualitative and quantitative correspondence. In our opinion, the used electron-beam-assisted synthesis method could be considered as a perspective production method of high refractory multicomponent oxide ceramics.

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Thermal annealing of radiation defects in MgF2 single crystals induced by neutrons at low temperatures

Abstract Primary radiation defects in ionic solids consist of Frenkel defects – pairs of defects - anion vacancies with trapped electrons (F-type centers) and interstitial ions. Upon temperature increase after irradiation, the electronic F-type centers are annealed due to recombination with mobile interstitials. Analysis of the recombination (annealing) kinetics allows us to obtain important information on the interstitial migration. At high radiation doses more complex dimer (F2-type) centers are observed in several charge states, which are well distinguished spectroscopically. We analysed here available experimental kinetics of the F2-type center annealing in MgF2 in a wide temperature ra…

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Luminescence of F2 and F3 + centres in LiF crystals irradiated with 12 MeV 12C ions

Dependences of the nanohardness and photoluminescence of F 2 and F 3 + centers on the depth in LiF crystals irradiated with 12 MeV 12 C ions to fluences 10 10 -10 15 ions/cm 2 were studied using laser scanning confocal microscopy, luminescent spectroscopy, and the nanoindentation method. The nanohardness measurements showed a significant hardening effect at the end of the ion run with the dominant contribution of defects formed by the mechanism of elastic collisions. The observed attenuation of the luminescence intensity at high fluences is associated with the intense nucleation of dislocations as traps for aggregate color centers.

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