H. Jostlein
Measurement of theBs0Lifetime in the Exclusive Decay ChannelBs0→J/ψϕ
Using the exclusive decay B-s(0)-->J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))phi(K+K-), we report the most precise single measurement of the B-s(0) lifetime. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 220 pb(-1) collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2004. We reconstruct 337 signal candidates, from which we extract the B-s(0) lifetime, tau(B-s(0))=1.444(-0.090)(+0.098)(stat)+/-0.020(sys) ps. We also report a measurement for the lifetime of the B-0 meson using the exclusive decay B-0-->J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))K-*0(892)(K(+)pi(-)). We reconstruct 1370 signal candidates, obtaining tau(B-0)=1.473(-0.050)(+0.052)(stat)+/-0.023(sys) ps, and the ratio of lifetimes, …
Search for Leptoquark Pairs Decaying intoνν+jetsinpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV
We present the results of a search for leptoquark (LQ) pairs in (85.2+/-3.7) pb(-1) of pp* collider data collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron. We observe no evidence for leptoquark production and set a limit on sigma(pp*-->LQLQ-->nunu+jets) as a function of the mass of the leptoquark (m(LQ)). Assuming the decay LQ-->nuq, we exclude scalar leptoquarks for m(LQ) < 98 GeV/c(2), and vector leptoquarks for m(LQ) < 200 GeV/c(2) and coupling which produces the minimum cross section, at a 95% confidence level.
Search for minimal supergravity in single-electron events with jets and large missing transverse energy inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV
We describe a search for evidence of minimal supergravity (MSUGRA) in 92.7 pb(-1) of data collected with the D empty set detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p (p) over bar collider at roots=1.8 TeV. Events with a single electron, four or more jets, and large missing transverse energy were used in this search. The major backgrounds are from W+jets, misidentified multijet, t (t) over bar, and WW production. We observe no excess above the expected number of background events in our data. A new limit in terms of MSUGRA model parameters is obtained.