S. Bouillant

Real-time flaw detection on a complex object: comparison of results using classification with a support vector machine, boosting, and hyperrectangle-based method

We present a classification work performed on industrial parts using artificial vision, a support vector machine (SVM), boost- ing, and a combination of classifiers. The object to be controlled is a coated heater used in television sets. Our project consists of detect- ing anomalies under manufacturer production, as well as in classi- fying the anomalies among 20 listed categories. Manufacturer speci- fications require a minimum of ten inspections per second without a decrease in the quality of the produced parts. This problem is ad- dressed by using a classification system relying on real-time ma- chine vision. To fulfill both real-time and quality constraints, three classification algorit…

research product

SVM approximation for real-time image segmentation by using an improved hyperrectangles-based method

A real-time implementation of an approximation of the support vector machine (SVM) decision rule is proposed. This method is based on an improvement of a supervised classification method using hyperrectangles, which is useful for real-time image segmentation. The final decision combines the accuracy of the SVM learning algorithm and the speed of a hyperrectangles-based method. We review the principles of the classification methods and we evaluate the hardware implementation cost of each method. We present the combination algorithm, which consists of rejecting ambiguities in the learning set using SVM decision, before using the learning step of the hyperrectangles-based method. We present re…

research product

Cost comparison of image rotation implantations on static and dynamic Reconfigurable FPGAs

FPGA components are widely used today to perform various algorithms (digital filtering) in real time. The emergence of Dynamically Reconfigurable (DR) FPGAs made it possible to reduce the number of necessary resources to carry out an image processing application (tasks chain). We present in this article an image processing application (image rotation) that exploits the FPGA 's dynamic reconfiguration feature. A comparison is undertaken between the dynamic and static reconfiguration by using two criteria, cost and performance criteria. For the sake of testing the validity of our approach in terms of Algorithm and Architecture Adequacy, we realized an AT40K40 based board ARDOISE.

research product

Real-time image segmentation for anomalies detection using SVM approximation

In this paper, we propose a method of implementation improvement of the decision rule of the support vector machine, applied to real-time image segmentation. We present very high speed decisions (approximately 10 ns per pixel) which can be useful for detection of anomalies on manufactured parts. We propose an original combination of classifiers allowing fast and robust classification applied to image segmentation. The SVM is used during a first step, pre-processing the training set and thus rejecting any ambiguities. The hyperrectangles-based learning algorithm is applied using the SVM classified training set. We show that the hyperrectangle method imitates the SVM method in terms of perfor…

research product

Classification Boundary Approximation by Using Combination of Training Steps for Real-Time Image Segmentation

We propose a method of real-time implementation of an approximation of the support vector machine decision rule. The method uses an improvement of a supervised classification method based on hyperrectangles, which is useful for real-time image segmentation. We increase the classification and speed performances using a combination of classification methods: a support vector machine is used during a pre-processing step. We recall the principles of the classification methods and we evaluate the hardware implementation cost of each method. We present our learning step combination algorithm and results obtained using Gaussian distributions and an example of image segmentation coming from a part …

research product

Real-time flaw detection on complex part: Study of SVM and hyperrectangle based method

We present in this paper the study of two classifications methods used in order to control in real-time some industrials parts. We present the practical frame in which is made the operations, natures of the anomaly to be detected as well as the features extractions method. We tested two techniques of classification, with different algorithm complexities and performances. We compare the results obtained on various features spaces. We end by a combinatorial perspective of results of classification.

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