Patricia Ibáñez Ibáñez
The non-appearance of female-specific proteins in male Spilostethus pandurus)
1. 1. Female-specific peptides can be detected by SDS-PAGE in the haemolymph when the female insects are 48 hr old. 2. 2. The age of the male insect at the moment of treatment with juvenile hormone I (JH I), JH III or ecdysone has no influence on the induction of the female-specific bands in male S. pandurus. 3. 3. Male insects exposed to the hormones for periods of time longer than 24 hr were also unable to show female-specific bands in their haemolymph. Consecutive treatments with JH were unable to induce these peptides in the males.
Characterization of vitellogenins in Spilostethus pandurus (Hemiptera): Immunoelectrophoretic studies and short-term labelling experiments
Abstract The haemolymph of Spilostethus pandurus contains three female-specific proteins (I, II and III) as revealed by SDS-PAGE. Antibodies prepared against them recognize three fractions (4, 5 and 6) in ovarian extracts which have similar molecular weights suggesting that I, II and III are vitellogenins. Upon injection of a 14C amino acid mixture into vitellogenic females, labelled proteins first appear in the fat body, then in the haemolymph and next in the ovarian follicles.
Effect of starvation on haemolymph vitellogenins and ovary uptake in Spilostethus pandurus
Abstract 1. 1. Starvation reduces haemolymph vitellogenins and their incorporation by developing oocytes in S. pandurus adult females. 2. 2. Access to food restores unspecifically the protein levels in both haemolymph and ovaries. 3. 3. Topical treatments with JH promote de novo specific synthesis of vitellogenins and incorporation by the ovaries. 4. 4. These results point to a strong role of the JH as the regulatory factor of both reproductive phenomena in S. pandurus .