Location and characterization of the stem-calyx area on oranges by computer vision
Three image analysis methods were studied and evaluated to solve the problem of removing long stems attached to mechanically harvested oranges: colour segmentation based on linear discriminant analysis, contour curvature analysis, and a thinning process which involves iterating until the stem becomes a skeleton. These techniques are able to determine the presence or absence of a stem with certainty, to locate the stems from random views with more than 90% accuracy and from profile images with an accuracy ranging from 92.4% to 100% depending on the method used. Finally, determination of the length and cutting point of the stem is achieved with only 3.8% of failures. (C) 1996 Silsoe Research …
Abstract. Analysing urban regions is essential for their correct monitoring and planning. This is mainly accounted for the sharp increase of people living in urban areas, and consequently, the need to manage them. At the same time there has been a rise in the use of spatial and statistical datasets, such as the Urban Atlas, which offers high-resolution urban land use maps obtained from satellite imagery, and the Urban Audit, which provides statistics of European cities and their surroundings. In this study, we analyse the relations between urban fragmentation metrics derived from Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) data from the Urban Atlas dataset, and socio-economic data from the Urban Audit f…