Miquel Portilla
Inhomogeneous space-times admitting isotropic radiation: Vorticity-free case
The energy-momentum tensor of space-times admitting a vorticity-free and a shear-free timelike congruence is obtained. This result is used to write Einstein equations in a convenient way in order to get inhomogeneous space-times admitting an isotropic distribution of photons satisfying the Liouville equation. Two special cases with anisotropic pressures in the energy flow direction are considered.
Two-Perfect Fluid Interpretation of an Energy Tensor
The paper contains the necessary and sufficient conditions for a given energy tensor to be interpreted as a sum of two perfect fluids. Given a tensor of this class, the decomposition in two perfect fluids (which is determined up to a couple of real functions) is obtained.
Method to obtain shear-free two-fluid solutions of Einstein's equations.
We use the Einstein equations, stated as an initial-value problem (3+1 formalism), to present a method for obtaining a class of solutions which may be interpreted as the gravitational field produced by a mixture of two perfect fluids. The four-velocity of one of the components is assumed to be a shear-free, irrotational, and geodesic vector field. The solutions are given up to a set of a hyperbolic quasilinear system.
Residual fluctuations in the microwave background at large angular scales: Revision of the Sachs-Wolfe effect
In this paper we revise the Sachs-Wolfe (SW) computation of large-scale an isotropies of the microwave background temperature, taking into account the properties of the metrics admitting an isotropic distribution of collisionless photons. We show that the metric used by SW belongs to the aforementioned class, and conclude that the microwave background (once the dipolar anisotropy has been subtracted) should now be isotropic at large angular scales, provided that it was isotropic on the last scattering surface and assuming that the growing mode of a pressureless Einstein-de Sitter perturbation is a good description of the metric.
Potential perturbation to Friedmann universes
The energy-momentum tensor of perturbed Friedmann universes in the longitudinal gauge (depending on only one gravitational potential) is obtained in order to clarify the physical meaning of two important cases: (1) conformally static perturbations (when the potential is independent of time), and (2) nonstatic perturbations in the case where the potential allows a particular separation of time and space coordinates. The statement according to which the longitudinal gauge allows a description of high-density-contrast regions is analyzed. In the conformally static case we suggest interpreting the energy-momentum tensor as representing a set of particles in gravitational interaction, suitable f…