A satisfaction survey of opioid-dependent clients at methadone treatment centres in Spain
A survey was carried out to evaluate the satisfaction with methadone treatment centres of methadone-maintained opioid-dependent patients from Spain. Independent interviewers asked 505 consecutively arriving clients from 20 randomly selected centres (14 conventional centres, two bus units, and four prisons) to participate; 370 (73.3%) clients agreed to fill out the questionnaire, and 351 (69.5%) completed it. Satisfaction was assessed using the Verona Service Satisfaction Scale for methadone treatment (VSSS-MT). The prison sub-sample (n=43) was excluded from overall analysis because survey acceptance and satisfaction was very different in prisons than in the other centres. Mean overall satis…
Patient perspectives on methadone maintenance treatment in the Valencia Region: dose adjustment, participation in dosage regulation, and satisfaction with treatment.
Desired adjustment of methadone dose, perceived participation in dosage regulation, and satisfaction with methadone treatment centres were assessed in a sample of opioid-dependent patients from the Valencia Region (eastern Spain). An independent interviewer asked 278 consecutively arriving patients to answer the survey, and 165 (59.4%) completed it. Adjustment of methadone dose was assessed with a -10 to +10 visual analogue scale (VAS-MD); participation in methadone dose regulation, with specific questions; and patient satisfaction, with the Verona Service Satisfaction Scale for methadone treatment (VSSS-MT). The methadone dose (mg/d) prescribed by physicians was (mean+/-S.D.) 68.0+/-30.4. …