Cherrine K. Pires
A chemiluminescence flow-based procedure for determination of carbaryl in natural waters exploiting multicommutation and enzymatic reaction
A chemiluminescence procedure for the determination of carbaryl in natural waters using acetylcholinesterase and choline oxidase is described. The flow system designed to implement multicommutation approach controlled by microcomputer comprised five solenoid valves, two columns with immobilized enzymes on controlled pore glass beads and chemiluminometric flow cell. In the best experimental conditions a linear response ranging from 25 to 700 µg L-1 carbaryl was obtained. Water samples were spiked with carbaryl in order to access the accuracy and recoveries between 95 and 101% were obtained for a concentration level ranging from 25 to 100 µg L-1 carbaryl. Detection limit and variation coeffic…
A spectrophotometric flow procedure for the determination of cationic surfactants in natural waters using a solenoid micro-pump for fluid propulsion
An automatic flow-analysis procedure for spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants in surface water using a solenoid micro-pump for propelling solutions of reagents and sample is des...
Speciation of chromium in natural waters by micropumping multicommutated light emitting diode photometry.
Abstract A simple and sensitive multicommutated flow procedure, implemented by employing a homemade light emitting diode (LED) based photometer, has been developed for the determination of chromium (VI) and total chromium in water. The flow system comprised a set of four solenoid micro-pumps, which were assembled to work as fluid propelling and as commutating devices. The core of the detection unit comprised a green LED source, a photodiode and a homemade flow cell of 100 mm length and 2 mm inner diameter. The photometric procedure for the speciation of chromium in natural waters was based on the reaction of Cr (VI) with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide. Cr (III) was previously oxidized to Cr (VI) and…