Santiago José Villanueva Serrano
[Spanish productivity in smoking research relative to world and European union productivity from 1999 through 2003, analyzed with the science citation index].
Objective To analyze Spanish scientific productivity from 1999 through 2003 in the area of smoking research, in comparison with world and European Union research, based on data in the Science Citation Index (SCI). Material and methods This bibliometric study was carried out by searching the title field of the Science Citation Index Expanded. Descriptive statistics with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were compiled. Results Two-hundred ninety-two documents on smoking by Spanish authors were located. The most productive subspecialties were the group comprised of public health, education and health economics with 57 articles, and areas of the respiratory system, experimental research, and intern…
Producción española en tabaquismo a través del Science Citation Index (1999-2003). Situación en el contexto mundial y de la Unión Europea
Objetivo: Analizar a traves del Science Citation Index la produccion cientifica espanola en tabaquismo entre 1999 y 2003, situando a nuestro pais en el contexto mundial y de la Union Europea. Material y metodos: Se ha realizado un estudio bibliometrico mediante la busqueda en el campo "titulo" del Science Citation Index Expanded. El analisis estadistico fue descriptivo (intervalo de confianza del 95%). Resultados: Se recopilaron 292 documentos sobre tabaquismo publicados por autores espanoles. Las subareas mas productivas fueron las siguientes: salud publica, educacion y economia de la salud con 57 documentos, seguidas de las subareas de respiratorio, investigacion experimental y medicina i…
Comparison between two five year periods (1998/2002 and 2003/2007) on the production, impact and co-authorship of publications on tobacco and smoking by Spanish authors using the Science Citation Index.
Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to compare the production, impact and co-authorship of publications by Spanish authors on smoking and tobacco between two time periods (1998/2002 vs. 2003/2007) using Science Citation Index (SCI). Methods The literature search was performed in the SCI-Expanded on 20 November 2008. All types of documents by Spanish authors were selected. The search was restricted to the title, and the key words used were “smok*” and “tobac*”. The statistical analysis was descriptive (95% CI). Results A total of 588 documents were retrieved, with 399 (67.85%) original papers, 54 (9.18%) letters to the editor and 35 (5.95%) editorials. Productivity increased from th…
Comparación entre dos quinquenios (1998/2002 y 2003/2007) de la producción, repercusión y colaboración en tabaquismo de autores españoles a través del Science Citation Index
Resumen Objetivo El objetivo ha sido comparar entre dos quinquenios (1998 a 2002 con 2003 a 2007) la produccion, repercusion y la colaboracion de articulos sobre tabaquismo de autores espanoles a traves del Science Citation Index (SCI). Metodo La busqueda se realizo en el SCI Expanded. Fueron seleccionados todos los tipos de documentos y la busqueda se restringio al “titulo”; palabras clave: “smok*” y “tobac*”. Resultados Fueron un total de 588 articulos, de los que 399 (67,85%) fueron originales, 54 (9,18%) cartas al director y 35 (5,95%) editoriales. La produccion ha crecido, pasando de 234 (39,8%) documentos (98/02) a 354 (60,2%) en 03/07. Al comparar la media anual del total de articulo…
Análisis de la red de colaboración científica sobre tabaquismo entre centros sanitarios españoles a través del Science Citation Index (1999-2003)
Objetivo Analizar la red de colaboracion cientifica que genera la coautoria de articulos cientificos entre centros sanitarios espanoles en el area de tabaquismo. Material y metodos Se seleccionaron los articulos sobre tabaquismo aparecidos en Science Citation Index entre los anos 1999 a 2003, en cuya autoria participaron 2 o mas centros sanitarios espanoles. Se analizo la red de colaboracion subyacente, comparando las medidas mas importantes de centralidad y elaborando mapas bibliometricos que permiten su visualizacion. Se emplearon las herramientas informaticas para el analisis de redes UCINET(r) y NETDRAW(r). Resultados Treinta y cinco centros sanitarios espanoles (29 hospitales y 6 centr…
[Spanish medical center collaboration on smoking research from 1999 through 2003 according to the Science Citation Index].
OBJECTIVE To analyze the network structure of collaboration between medical centers sharing authorship of scientific articles on smoking. MATERIAL AND METHODS Articles reporting smoking research by authors from 2 or more Spanish medical centers between 1999 and the end of 2003 were identified through the Science Citation Index. The network of collaboration behind the research was analyzed and the most important measures of centrality were compared. To display the data, scientometric maps were constructed using UCINET and NETDRAW network analysis tools. RESULTS Thirty-five Spanish medical centers (29 hospitals and 6 health care clinics) in 8 autonomous communities were involved in 21 collabo…