Sergey V. Churakov
Mechanism of aluminium incorporation into C–S–H from ab initio calculations
Blended cements have great potential to reduce the CO2 footprint due to cement production. C(alcium)–S(ilicate)–H(ydrate) in these novel materials is known to incorporate a considerable amount of Al. We have for the first time applied large-scale first principles calculations to address the mechanism of Al incorporation into low C/S ratio C–S–H. In agreement with state-of-the-art NMR information, our calculations show that Al substitutes Si in bridging tetrahedra only, and that substitutions in pairing tetrahedra are strongly disfavoured in a wide range of conditions. In broad terms, the energy penalty for having an Al atom in a pairing position is of about 20 kcal mol−1. Al in bridging tet…
Intrinsic Acidity of Surface Sites in Calcium Silicate Hydrates and Its Implication to Their Electrokinetic Properties
Calcium Silicate Hydrates (C–S–H) are the major hydration products of portland cement paste. The accurate description of acid–base reactions at the surface of C–S–H particles is essential for both understanding the ion sorption equilibrium in cement and prediction of mechanical properties of the hardened cement paste. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations at the density functional level of theory were applied to calculate intrinsic acidity constants (pKa’s) of the relevant ≡SiOH and ≡CaOH2 groups on the C–S–H surfaces using a thermodynamic integration technique. Ion sorption equilibrium in C–S–H was modeled applying ab initio calculated pKa’s in titrating Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simu…